Chapter 3 - Eye think we have a problem

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- Quick thing, TYSM for all the votes on this story! And TYSM @Camp_Gravity for posting about it! 

- Please feel free to comment if you have any suggestions, need clarification on something, or have a question! And also, first person to comment the solutions to the chapter code in the comments gets a shoutout in the next chapter! (I know that's not that helpful since this story isn't that popular yet but I'll still try!) :D

Dipper didn't know what was happening. He felt as if he was being ripped from his body, but not in the same way as when Bill possessed him. It felt more like he was loosing a big part of himself. Separating his mind from everything else that made him him. He felt his mind trying to hold onto its sanity, trying to fight back. For a few seconds, it actually did. His willpower to stay himself was so strong, that even Bill's magic was struggling against it. But alas, the struggle couldn't last forever and the magic eventually overtook him. And then, Dipper woke up. 

He blinked, and started to look all around him. Instantly, he noticed multiple changes. For one, what he was seeing was completely different from what he normally saw. He saw everything in it's normal color, but could shift his vision to making everything different shades of gray or to seeing the tiniest details on the things that he was looking at. Despite all of this, the strangest thing through was his depth perception. While everything was much wider and clearer, he was seeing everything as if he had one big eye instead of two. That's when he froze. One eye?! 

He lifted up his hands to feel for his face, only to see that his hands were a glowing pitch black color. "AHHHHHHH!!!!" Dipper stopped and covered where he thought his mouth would have been. He had sounded just like... NO. NO NO NO! Quickly, he looked down, and saw that his legs and feet had also changed to that black-ish color as well. But that wasn't what freaked him out the most. What freaked him out the most was seeing the yellow brick pattern replacing his body, and the bow tie on him that he knew all too well. Shaking in fear, he reached his hand up to the top of his head, only to feel a triangle point where it should've been. He also noticed a long black top hat floating above it. 

Panicking in fear, he desperately needed to see if his suspicions were true. He rapidly dashed through the woods into all sorts of different areas of it. He darted around different trees and dodged a falling branch. He hurried through different shades of forest leaves in all different shapes and sizes. Now, he didn't even know where he was. Suddenly, he heard the sound of rushing water in the distance. He flew quickly in that direction until he came across a stream with a mini waterfall. He approached it rapidly, but then closed his eye. 

He somehow knew that he wasn't ready for what he was about to see. Slowly, he opened it, looking into the water. His suspicions were true. Staring back at him, was the reflection of Bill cipher. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" He crashed backwards into a tree. "THIS CANT BE HAPPENING! THIS CANT BE HAPPENING!" 

Dipper yelped in fear, and covered where his mouth would be once again. It scared him so much that he sounded like Bill. It scared him so much that he looked like Bill. He was terrified of that stupid demon, after all of the trauma he put him through. But as he stared back at his reflection, the mighty Bill Cipher shaking and wimping like a coward, he realized that like it or not, this was happening. Nothing was ever going to be the same again. And there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.

Alrighty, that's chapter 3! Thank you so much again for reading this story and giving it a chance! Oh, and here's the code! :p

Krsh wkhvh frghv duh nlqgd ixq

fdxvh wkh vwrub'v rqob mxvw ehjxq

wkh flskhuv pdb ydub olnh wkh vkrz

ohw'v vhh krz idu slqhwuhh zloo jr

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