Chapter 7 - Hey...where's my brother?

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Mabel stood there, stunned and shocked. On top of all of the things going on, of course Bill Cipher had to show up and make things worse. And he basically said it was HER fault for not doing anything about it! Like, what was she supposed to do? Knit sweaters for everyone as encouragement?! She took a moment to process the situation, and then she sat down on her bed. 

" don't think I did anything wrong...right?" Waddles simply let out an oink. Mabel smiled. "Thanks Waddles. You always know what to say!" For a few minutes, she completely forgot that Bill even existed. She was in her own little world, talking to her pig, and trying to reassure herself that she was not to blame. Once she relaxed a bit, she started to think about what Bill had said. "What do you think Bill meant when he said that I could've stopped Dipper from making stupid decisions? I can't think of anything he did that was that stupid. Well, besides sticking with his fashion choice, but I've already tried to do something about that!" 

She laughed out loud, not knowing who exactly she was telling this to. Her pig? Her plushies? Whoever it was, it felt nice to share her thoughts with someone, or something, that would always agree with her and never argue with her. After she finished her silly laughter, she finally realized something. She didn't know where Dipper was. 

Sometimes, he got up early in the morning to explore the woods and its mysteries. Mabel assumed that Dipper simply did that again this morning and didn't think too much of it. I mean, sure, she thought it was extremely foolish and silly to be wasting your day running through the forest and constantly risking your life. But as Dipper had forced her to accept, it was his life, and if he really wanted to do that, he could. That was fine...but it better not get in the way of her own fun! That's where she draws the line and has to remind Dipper whose plans are actually more important and relevant here.

 Anyway, once she realized that Dipper wasn't in their room, she had just assumed he was off doing his stupid monster hunting again. But now, considering the fact that Bill just appeared to her, she started to wonder if maybe Dipper had got himself into more trouble than he was actually expecting. She looked out the window, to see if she could find anything else that would help her know where Dipper went. And it was there that she realized something. An expression of panic and fear was forming on her face. "Dipper...what did you do........" The blob creatures were gone and the forest was restored.

(If the code is confusing no need to pout. I have a clue to help you figure it out. I've used 2 types of coding methods before. So I thought, hey, why not add 1 more?)

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