Chapter 14 - POVS

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Stan said goodnight to Mabel and was getting ready for bed. He thought about going downstairs to see his brother, but he decided it wasn't worth the risk. If Ford was doing something crucial, the last thing that Stan wanted to do was interfere with that. So, he sadly went to his room and got ready for bed. He was worried, about many many things. For one, what was he going to tell the town?! Surely they'd realize that the massive threatening blob creatures had just vanished! What was he supposed to say, "Oh yea about that, my nephew probably traded his soul to an evil nacho to save everyone! No need to panic folks!" That would only lead to chaos and maybe even get unwanted attention. And the last thing that he wanted to deal with right now was the government. For another, he was worried about his brother. He was worried Ford was gonna make this all about him and dismiss that anyone else cares as well. Stan knew how much Dipper meant to Ford, but Dipper meant a lot to him as well, and he also wanted to help in any way he could! And finally, he was very VERY worried about the kids. He was always worried about Dipper and his urge to investigate unusual things. He had always known that it was going to get Dipper into trouble someday, especially since he was messing around with Ford's spooky Journal. He just didn't want Dipper to get sucked into a portal as well, even if it was only metaphorical. And yet, he had. Dipper had gotten sucked right into the portal of the supernatural and now there was very little chance of getting him back. He didn't know what to do. And then he was also worried about Mabel. Losing her brother to his stupid nerdy obsessions. No, he wasn't going to let her go through this. He sighed. There was a way to fix things. There had to be. And he knew exactly who would know the answer. As much as he hated to admit it, Ford was their best hope. If he faced his relationship with his brother, he just might be able to save Mabel's relationship with her's. And so, Stanley Pines went to bed that night thinking about what he was going to do tomorrow and how everything would hopefully, HOPEFULLY, be ok.


Mabel lied awake in her bed, thinking of her brother. It's weird, every night she was kinda annoyed with him, for staying up too late reading, or, for mumbling codes in his sleep. But she missed that. She wanted to hear Dipper's random annoying mumbling, and she wanted to hear the noise of the pen that he clicked all night. Without him, she was just, well, half of a dynamic duo. And while she was worried about what horrible things Dipper must've been going through, she was actually more worried about his mindset. Why didn't he tell her about his plan? Did he not trust her anymore? Was it-was it the Journal? It-it was wasn't it?! That stupid Journal that said trust no one! And now, Dipper wasn't even trusting his own sister! She started to cry, holding waddles close to her. "When did things get like this Dipper? When did we get so distant?!" She then took a deep breath in and sighed. She glanced across the room at her grappling hook, a determined expression forming on her face. "Don't worry Dipper. If it's the last thing I do, I'm saving you from all your mysteries and I'll make sure we're never distant again. From now on, it's you and me, and we're gonna remember what the fun times were like. I just-I just gotta get through to you first......" She reluctantly closed her eyes and then fell asleep.


Ford was lying on the couch, trying to fall asleep. He couldn't. He was too worried about Dipper. He couldn't believe it. He understood why Dipper would lie to him, but he couldn't believe that Dipper would willingly sacrifice himself to save everyone. I mean, it would have to take a very pure hearted person to do something like that. He considered if he would be that brave, brave enough to sacrifice himself to Bill to save everyone. Sure he offered to make a deal, but that was only to save Dipper and that was only for his family's gain. But would he be brave enough to do it for the whole world? He hoped so, but he couldn't say he was 100% sure about that. He admired Dipper for what he did, but he knew that he had to save him from it. At first he thought Bill was only his enemy, and Dipper was just another pawn to getting to him, but after seeing how Bill turned down his offer, he could see now how much Bill was actually enjoying toying with Dipper as well. Were Dipper's encounters with Bill really that impactful that Dipper's now on the same level to Bill that he is? Or was this all still a part of Bill's game, just meant to confuse him? If that was the goal, it was certainly working, considering he barely knew what to believe anymore. All he knew was that he needed sleep so that he could work his absolute best tomorrow, and think of a solution to help get Dipper out of this big mess. He just hoped that everything would go according to plan.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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