Chapter 5 - Crushing a shooting star

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Quick thing, I just wanted to say that I have nothing against Mabel and am even writing some separate stories about her, but in this story, she is portrayed in the way that she needs to for everything to come together in the end. You'll see what I mean 😎 Thank you :)

It was pretty early in the morning, around 6 or 7 AM. Everyone was asleep. Except the Pines twins. Mabel was chilling in her bedroom, and Dipper was doing, who knows what. Probably some mystery stuff. Mabel couldn't believe that her brother would willingly get up this early just to get himself all dirty and freaked out from his so-called "fun" adventures. 

The adventures that Dipper had been having with Ford lately have making her nervous. As much as she wanted to do something to help them about the blobs, she just couldn't. She felt powerless. She was trying to distract herself by looking through her scrapbook at all of the fun memories that she had made with Dipper throughout the summer. And then...he appeared. Bill Cipher, the horrible demon, just casually appeared in her bedroom. She got up into a fighting position, like she was ready to attack at any moment. "Bill! Go away right now and leave us alone! We have enough to deal with and none of us need this on top of it!" 

Dipper wanted to cry. He was forced to be there, as Bill, to bother and upset his sister. All he wanted to do was comfort her and pull her into a hug. But...he couldn't. If he did, who knows what Bill would do to her. Bill clearly didn't want either of the twins to ruin the fun of his game, and there was no telling what would happen if they did. So even though every ounce of Dipper's mind and heart didn't want to do what happened next, he knew he had to to protect Mabel. 

"AH- UM- HAHAHAHA!!! OH SHOOTING STAR, NOW WHY DO I HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU?!!" Bill grinned. This was too good to be true. 'NICE JOB KID! KEEP IT UP!' Dipper thought back a silent 'Shut up Bill', and then reluctantly continued his act. 

Mabel was both terrified and annoyed. "Because you're causing too much trouble for all of us! My family is working so hard to fix the town, and they definitely don't want to deal with you right now!"

As Mabel said this, Dipper felt an emotion. He felt slightly...angry. It was true, him and Ford had been working very hard to fix things. So why did Mabel get to sit around and read books all day?! Stan had an excuse. Running the shack was his way of entertaining the terrified people and trying to calm them down. But Mabel was just sitting up in her room making bracelets and literally READING. She didn't even offer to help ONCE! 

And this rage, this new increased burst of feeling that filled Dipper, caused him to somehow give in to his new "Bill" magic and mindset. For once, he had power over Mabel. He had the power to call her out for her actions, and not have to listen to her fight back, or threaten him if he didn't stop. So, as if it was an instinct, Dipper replied, "YOU'RE RIGHT! YOUR FAMILY IS WORKING SO HARD TO FIX THE TOWN! AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HMMM?! MAKING BRACELETS AND DRESSING UP PIGS! AND YOU THINK I'M THE PROBLEM HERE?!! GEEZ SHOOTING STAR, LOOK IN A MIRROR!" 

Now this...shocked Bill. Yes, he knew that Pinetree got mad at Shooting Star...but that little rant was clearly influenced by the kid's new mindset. And Bill knew that Pinetree was fighting as hard as he could to block that mindset out and hold onto his sanity. So the fact that he had lost control of it, even for just a moment, proved that he had been holding his thoughts in for a long amount of time, probably too afraid to speak them out loud. Maybe he usually feared Shooting Star's response, and this new form allowed him to dodge that fear. But there was no way in the entire universe, that Dipper Pines had intentionally said that. It wasn't him trying his best to be like Bill. It was him actually being like Bill. And Bill couldn't have been happier. But rather than interfere with little Pinetree's rage rant, he decided to let him process it and see where it went.

That caught Mabel off guard. "But...but I one needed me to help..." Dipper wasn't having any of this. "PFFT, PLEASE! DID YOU EVEN ASK IF THEY NEEDED IT?! NOPE! MAYBE, IF YOU TRIED AT ALL TO THINK ABOUT OTHERS, YOU COULD'VE HELPED YOUR BROTHER OUT OR STOPPED HIM FROM MAKING ANY STUPID DECISIONS!" Mabel froze. "What...what stupid decisions? I mean sure, Dipper has done some pretty stupid things, but I've tried my best to stop him!"

Now, Bill could literally feel the anger rising in Dipper. The only thing that Mabel was getting out of all of this was that *Dipper* made stupid decisions. This type of wrong mindset is exactly what gave Bill an advantage over Mabel. It's what made her so easy to manipulate. But this time, his game wasn't about manipulating Shooting Star. It was about seeing how far Pinetree would go with it before he gave in and lost. And the kid was definitely not in any position to be manipulating Mabel right now. His anger and rage was enough. Bill could even tell that Pinetree was trying to hold the full extent of his emotions in, to stop himself from turning red and giving away how mad he really was about the whole situation. He was trying to play it off more as a weakness that Mabel had, that Bill would've known about, and used to make her feel badly. 'Smart kid', Bill thought.  

Dipper was just done with this conversation. Rather than end it abruptly, or drag out his rage too long and give away that it was pure anger, he decided to take the Bill route to things. "OH, DONT WORRY SHOOTING STAR! THATS NOT WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!" And then, Dipper did something he never thought he would do. He laughed. Not a happy laugh. Not a sarcastic laugh. A true wicked, evil, Bill cackle. And he did it uncontrollably, all on his own, without even pretending or trying. "AHAHAHAHA!!!" And with that, Dipper/Bill disappeared in a burst of blue flames, still cackling villainously, leaving Mabel behind with a horrified expression forming on her face.

Lol Yas, slay Dipper you go join the dark side! :D

Might go back later & change the name of this chapter though cause idk about this one 🤔

Also, quick note about this story, I've been posting around every other week because there's been a lot going on but soon I might start posting a bit more frequently since more and more people are reading this story. Thank you so much to all of you reading this right now. You guys are the reason I keep writing and have the motivation to make improvement. :D So Tysm :3

Now, what you've all been waiting for, the code:

Hsllgrmt hgzih nzb yv yirtsg zmw xovzi.

Yfg gsvb'iv nliv wrhgzmg gszm gsvb zkkvzi.

Gsvb nrtsg gizevo gsv wzip mrtsg hprvh.

Yfg gsvb'iv yormw gl zoo gsv dzgxsrmt vbvh.

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