Chapter 9 - Magic advice comes at a price

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As Dipper and Bill continued their game in the forest, Dipper started to feel something. It was almost as if, he was being yanked somewhere. "Uh Bill-What's happening???" Bill laughed. 'Oh, nothing much! You're just being called to your first summoning kid!' Dipper panicked. "WHAT! BUT-BUT IM NOT READY FOR THAT!" Bill smiled. 'DOESN'T MATTER, CAUSE ITS HAPPENING!' 

Dipper felt himself get pulled through the mindscape and out into the other side of it. The closer he approached to where he was being yanked, the more details he could tell about the place. He was being summoned into a prison of some sorts. A prison!?!Great. And, there was someone there. He was short, had white hair, and kinda looked like...oh no. 

Before Dipper could react, he was pulled out of the summoning circle and appeared as just a triangle with one eye. He kept his eye closed. He didn't know what to do! He wasn't prepared for this! And if he didn't pull this off, Bill's game would be ruined and everyone else would have to pay. He couldn't believe what he was going to do. He intentionally tried to communicate with Bill through his mind. 

'Bill please! I don't know what to do here! I'm gonna mess up, I just know it!' Bill sighed. 'Relax kid. If you feel like you can't do this, stop fighting your new *Bill* instincts and mindset. They can really help you in situations like this! Of course, that would also come at the price of slowly losing your sanity, but oh the prices we have to pay to get what we want!' Dipper had to think about this. Good thing time seemed to slow around him while his eye was closed. 

If he didn't give in, he would definitely lose the game and endanger everyone. And even if he did manage to pull it off, he couldn't keep fighting his new mindset for much longer. If he gave into it for just a few minutes, even though that's what Bill wanted, he would make sure he would never use it again, and only a small amount of damage would be done to him. Panicking, he took a deep breath, and gave into his instincts. 

He slowly, opened his eye, laughing crazily as he did so. He then popped into his regular triangle form, just like Bill, and turned his regular yellow color. (Just like the scene from Dreamscaperers.) Dipper thought quickly. Somehow, these new powers were allowing him to think of as much as he wanted to within only a second. He considered what to do next. What would Bill do in this situation? Well, Gideon and Bill have a history yes? So, Gideon must have summoned Bill for help. And if it's help that dear Gideon wants, it's help that he shall get. 

"WELL WELL WELL! LOOK WHO IT IS!" Gideon smiled. His plan had worked. "Bill! I'm so glad you came! I have another idea I'd like to propose!" Dipper paused time for a moment as he considered what to do next. His instincts told him he needed a mischievous line, or he needed to do something Bill-ish. "OH! IS THAT SO?" He summoned Bill's cane and twirled it around in a circular motion. "HMMM, LAST TIME I REMEMBER YOU CALLED OFF A DEAL WITH ME. WHY WOULD THIS TIME BE ANY DIFFERENT?" 

Gideon smiled. "Because this time, the deal is about you." Dipper wanted to yell at Gideon. Why should he help him after all he's done?! But Dipper was smarter than this, and he knew that if he let his emotions take over, his act wouldn't last for much longer. So, he listened to his new instincts again. And they were telling him to be...sneaky. To form a deal, with a catch... Dipper liked it. It meant that he could finally use this power to get revenge on everything that Gideon's done. "HAHAHAHA! REALLY? THEN WHAT WERE YOU THINKING KID?" 

Gideon grinned. Bill was listening to him. "I would like to offer myself to you to be your best and most loyal servant and follower." "HMMMMMM, AND WHAT MAY I ASK, WOULD YOU WANT IN RETURN?" Gideon formed his hand into a fist. "Easy! Having some power over this stupid town and the Pines family, and finally being able to make Mabel mine!" 

Now, Dipper was furious. Not just because of what Gideon had said, but also because it meant that if it wasn't for the most recent events, Gideon would've actually made this deal with Bill without Dipper even knowing. But his anger only fueled him into thinking how to trick Gideon into a deal. And suddenly, he knew exactly what to say.

"HAHAHAHA! YA KNOW WHAT KID? I LIKE IT! YOU'LL DO WHATEVER I SAY AND ILL LET YOU HAVE POWER OVER MABEL AND OVER THE TOWN AND BE ABLE TO END THIS FIGHT WITH THE PINES! AS SOON AS THE PROPHESIED DAY COMES AND I RULE THIS WORLD, YOU'LL GET WHAT YOU'RE ASKING FOR!" He smirked for a second. Then, he did something that he couldn't believe. He willingly made blue flames appear on his hand, and extended it out for Gideon to shake. "SO...WE GOT A DEAL?!" 

Gideon grinned. He stuck his hand out too. "Deal." And then, he shook hands with the yellow triangle and the deal was sealed with the blue fire. Then, Dipper laughed. He let out another genuine Bill laugh, for much more sinister reasons this time. Gideon was grinning as well. Dipper figured it was time to wrap this thing up. "WELL, SEE YOU THEN KID! AND REMEMBER!" Dipper paused time again and tried to remember what it was that Mabel told him that Bill had said last time. And then, as soon as he remembered, it was like he had known it all along. "REALITY IS AN ILLUSION, THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM! BUY GOLD! BYE!" And then, he disappeared in a giant flash of light. 

Gideon was left standing there, an evil grin on his face. It had worked. He had summoned Bill and successfully made another deal. "Hahaha! Only a little while longer and then everything I've ever wanted will be mine!" What Gideon didn't know, was that it was not in fact Bill who he had made the deal with. And the one who he had actually made it with, had wanted revenge as well. On him.

Hehe, and that's chapter 9! So, quick update incase you haven't been reading my other ones, for the most part, the rest of the chapters should be about this length or longer. The previous one was really short because I just felt like Gideon's introduction needed to be a bit suspenseful, even if it was super short. Anyways, so updates should be pretty normal from this point on unless something comes up, and again, sorry abt the delay with the 8th one. Finally, after chapter 14, this story will be on a short break for just around 1-2 months. This is just so that I can have more time to make sure that the next part of the story can be as great as possible. I've written around 20 chapters so far, so it's not like I've forgotten about this story or I'm going to stop writing it. I just want to give myself a bit more time to manage writing it with the other things that are in my life. The good news, is that because of this break, I will be able to write many more of the chapters in advance and updates will probably be weekly instead of every other week. Alright, that's really all I have to say. Thank you so much again for reading this :) And of course, the code:

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