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Binara took a step back, running a shaky hand through her hair. The backpack strained her shoulders, especially the one that suffered Nim's wrath during the duel. Panic bubbled up, and no amount of breathing exercises would quell it. The night sounds grew dissonant while the blackness crowded closer, mist swirling into aberrant shapes. She hugged herself, eyes skittering.

Piumi whimpered and swung the phone all around, though the flashlight was nothing but a pinprick in the murk. She was obviously reluctant to check the detector again and have her worst fears confirmed.

"Let's keep going," Binara said, grabbing her arm.

"We'll just end up right back here!" Panic flashed across Piumi's face. "Why is this happening?"

Binara paused, staring at a tree branch. Her brain produced the image of the deodar cedar at the start of their journey, its lower limbs festooned with twigs. Doubt crept in, sparring with her refusal to bow down. No, it can't be that. Could it? Just because I didn't hang a branch...

"We can't stay here." Binara made to move, projecting as much confidence as she could. "We have to try and find our way back."

Piumi pulled in a shaky breath and nodded.

As they went on, Binara looked up at the canopy, blinking rapidly—as vulnerable as a prey animal. Silhouettes of branches splayed out like many hands, eager to blot out the little she could see of the sky. Piumi started muttering pirith verses under her breath. Whatever entity haunted this forest, Binara could sense its presence—a shadow lurking behind boughs and watching their every move. She had a pouch of palingu in her possession, but she had a hunch it wasn't wise to brandish it. The icy knot inside coiled tighter, and she resisted the urge to drop into a fetal position.

A sudden flapping noise ruptured the quiet, and black forms swooped down. Piumi shrieked.

Binara ducked on instinct, heart hammering. Something leathery brushed against her forehead. She didn't know who started running first, but a moment later, they were both barreling down the path.

Leaves slapped their arms, and clothes snagged on jagged twigs. It took a long minute for Binara to realize that what they encountered could have been bats. Just when she tried to stop Piumi, the flashlight illuminated something for a millisecond—a humanoid face with luminous amber eyes.

Both of them screamed.

They ran down the trail, panting and stumbling. Piumi tripped over a root, and Binara gripped her arm, pulling her up. Maybe I could hang a branch on a tree now. Would the spirit accept it? Would it make this stop? She balled her fists so tight that the nails dug into her skin.

Surprisingly, they came upon a clearing. It was the very same one they passed earlier when Siri guided them. Now, the night had bleached it of color, and the huge tree brooded above like a grotesque guardian, vines spilling down from its crown.

"How did we..." Piumi panted and held up the phone. "C-can we rest here?"

Binara nodded.

As they hurried into the clearing, their feet sank into the carpet of fern allies. Binara picked up a twig, her trembling hands almost dropping it in her haste. Her chest heaved while she struggled to contain her rioting emotions. She was a hunter, and here she was at the mercy of an unknown entity. On the other hand, she had voluntarily strayed into its stronghold, where its influence stretched into the tiniest crevice. This being was aware of every vibration, and she was merely a bug trapped in its web, held in place with invisible strings. Piumi watched with wide eyes but said nothing. Binara hadn't just endangered herself—she was responsible for Piumi's fate. It was time to make her choice.

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