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Sunset approached as Binara arrived at Yakadura HQ. As soon as the tuk came to a stop, she leaped out and dashed towards the entrance. Greenery shrouded the place, cutting off the weakening light.

She navigated through the compound, heading straight to the building that housed the head's office. A flame tree stood adjacent, its multitude of flowers brushing the slanted roof—strikingly crimson against the dark tile. From the higher vantage point, Binara could see the central clearing, where lotuses dotted the pond.

As she made for the front door of the building, she couldn't help dwelling on how she sneaked into this same place using Manju's secret tunnel. Inside, a hallway yawned, decorated with brassware. Binara's eyes immediately fell on two people who stood talking halfway in—Saumya and Unanse.

"There you are," Saumya said, turning to her.

"It's good to see you're alright, Binara." Unanse looked as calm as ever. "Shall we go in?"

Binara said nothing as she strode forward. Saumya took her leave, indicating for her to go on with the monk.

"What is this about, Bhante?" Binara asked, throwing Unanse a sideways glance.

"I think you know very well what this is about," Unanse said. "You've been missing for days. We initially thought you had fallen victim to the Black Prince. We worried that you might have died. Still, that would have made no sense."

Binara frowned. "What do you mean?"

"The Black Prince had opportunity to strike before this, especially if he knew your significance, but he hadn't."

"My significance?"

"You're the descendant of King Mayadunne." The monk flung her a knowing look. "Why else would we keep you under surveillance when we first suspected you encountered the Black Prince? Ginige himself visited you in the guise of a CID detective."


A beat of silence passed between them as they walked on. Portraits of influential Yakadura agents lined the walls on either side. At the end of the hallway was a set of double doors, which apparently led into Molamure's office.

Unanse gave a perfunctory knock and entered. Binara followed close at his heels.

It was strange to stand in the very room she spied through peepholes not long ago. Sure enough, a demon-spattered mural covered the wall, and she wondered where the peepholes were located. Her gaze settled on the huge table, behind which sat Molamure, the head of the Yakadura—as formidable as he was when she first saw him.

The heavyset man exchanged a greeting with the monk before turning to Binara. "Miss Mayadunne, we finally meet. Take a seat."

Binara nodded and sat down, wondering what he would ask her.

"Where were you the past few days?" Molamure rumbled.

Straight to the point. She crossed her arms. "I was...out of town. I'm sorry for the trouble. I should've applied for leave."

He raised his eyebrows. "It seems like you're not taking this job seriously. Although, Tennekoon tells me you and your partner have been doing well."

"I apologize," Binara said, trying to sound convincing. "It won't happen again."

"See to it that it doesn't." Molamure's eyes bored into her, shadowed under bushy brows. "We take discipline seriously. And we cannot have our agents run amok, especially in times such as this."

Binara bit her lip and forced herself to nod. "Well, if that's all—"

The door opened and Ginige entered, his face stonier than ever. Someone else strode in behind him—none other than Nim. Binara goggled at him.

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