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The world blipped.

One second, it was the falling bridge, scruffy wilderness and the monstrous bear demon lunging at her—all enshrouded in the black of night. The next, it was an otherworldly forest of deodar cedars, which towered high on all sides, leaves shining spectral white under moonlight. Ectoplasm was everywhere, setting Binara's sixth sense alight—as if she was emerging from a cave to see color for the first time.

The whole experience was akin to plunging headfirst into icy water—shocking, disorienting and too much for her brain to process. In fact, her battered body flailed against what felt like freefall. It was as though she was jettisoned through a cosmic chute into a whole other dimension. Then gravity regained control, making her plop down on the ground—a forest floor covered in leaves that were unlike anything she had seen before. Pain flared up, concentrated in her arm and back.

Binara bit back a cry and struggled to move to a sitting position. Her mind was a faulty light bulb, flickering on and off. The backpack drooped from one shoulder, considerably light now that the anti-demon sand had been depleted. Her ringing ears made note of the fact that the wind, water and chaos had vanished—to be replaced by a tranquil quiet. In the eerie moonlit environment, many things glimmered into existence—bioluminescence from strange plants, flowers and silvery fireflies. Realization flooded in, making her stomach drop—she was in a different realm and the leopard was just behind her.

Binara had the notion that the demonic animal released its hold. A moment later, its face loomed into view, scarily close. There was no ectoplasm seeping out now, and the silver eyes drilled into hers. There was intellect lurking behind those eyes that she hadn't seen before. Her whole form broke into shivers while she breathed in air that smelled as alien as everything else around her. It was all too much.

An image flashed in her head—that of the Yakadura agent getting mauled to death. Panic saturated every fiber of her being. She willed herself to move. Her good arm shook with the effort. Then her mind failed again, sinking into oblivion.

The next time she came to, she was aware of a wobbly surface beneath her

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The next time she came to, she was aware of a wobbly surface beneath her. Her sixth sense staggered anew under the barrage of stimuli—the ectoplasm was off the charts, permeating everything and as varied as a multicolored picture. Pain pulsed in her arm, ticking away the seconds.

As a cool breeze blew on her face, the haze within cleared just enough to make out that she was moving through the alien forest—sprawled on the back of the leopard.

Binara took in velvety fur—smooth, shining and as black as night. A scream built up, but her throat was locked. Even her limbs were paralyzed, completely spent. The panic wore down enough for her conclude that she wasn't in immediate danger. The animal was clearly intent on keeping her alive for now.

Dizziness washed over her. The largely monochrome picture blurred and blended together as her vision darkened yet again—but not before she glimpsed a sight that took her breath away.

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