They walk in when you're masturbating 🔞

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Cirrus: She opened your room's door when you were sitting on your bed and masturbating. "Do you need help?" she asked.

Cumulus: You were masturbating in your room when she knocked on the door. "Y/n are you there?" she asked from behind the door. You froze. You didn't answer, so she came in. " You know that you can always come to me and ask for help. You don't need to be ashamed of it."

Sunshine: "Y/n look what..." she was saying when she entered your room and saw you on the bed masturbating. She turned to face the door and closed the door. "Can I help you?" she asked quietly and ashamedly.

Aurora: "Y/n is everything okay?" she shouted from outside of your door. "Yea, *moaning* everything is okay." you tried to hide your moans. "Can I came in?" she asked. "No need to" you quickly said. Even if you said that was not needed she came in and said: "I guessed it, you may need help."

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