Travelling with ghoulettes

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Cirrus: She packs appropriately for a holiday. Her go to holiday destination is skilope. She likes to ski, ice skate and downhill ski. In the summer holiday you usually go to a city holiday.

Cumulus: When you leave you have everything with you. Even if you were going to a beach holiday you also have everything that is needed for a rainy day.
Her favourite holiday location is a beach. She loves to hang in the sun. From your proposition she likes to hang with you in the cities.

Sunshine: She usually packs a bit too much with her but often the extra is for weather chances. Her favourite holiday location is country. She loves to take care of animals, she is okay to live without running water and electricity.

Aurora: She is the one with twice as many bags compared to others. Her often chosen holiday location is some big city. She loves shopping in shops and partying in clubs. Now and then she agrees to go somewhere else where you had suggested. 

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