Ice skating

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I love Laura Scarborough's River-song, and I got the inspiration for this chapter from it. If you don't want to know more about wonderful musicians, it's okay. You don't need to listen if you want to, there is a link to the song.

Yesterday evening: "Would it be a good idea to go skating tomorrow because there is good weather and the lake is beautifully frozen" Cirrus thought in a loud. "Yea, my ice skates are in the attic" answered Cumulus. You also answered: "Yes that sounds great". Also Sunshine agreed to the plan.

"Is everything packed?" shouted Cirrus from the hallway. "Yes" you and Sunshine answered when entering the hallway from the kitchen. You have your backpack full of hot chocolate and Sunshine has her backpack for you all buns and rolls. Cumulus enters the hall with some ghoul's ice hockey sticks if you want to play. You all put your shoes on and left the front door to the lake.

You start to walk to the lake. While walking, you talk about yesterday evening and this morning. When you arrive at the lake, you and Sunshine put down your backpacks to the snow, and you all chanced to ice skates.

You are the first in ice, Cirrus is fast after you. Cumulus and Sunshine enter the ice bit late after you both. You are trying to make a turn/pirouette when you hear *thump*. After that noise, you turn to see what has happened, and you see Cumulus sitting on ice. Luckily she is okay, and you help her up. Cirrus and Sunshine are skating around the lake hand in hand. Sunshine hadn't skated so much, so Cirrus was skating with her. When Cumulus were up, you joined the pair.

After a time of skating, you look around and find Sunshine unpacking her and your backpacks. Cumulus went to help Sunshine. Cirrus and you skate a round of the lake and then join the unpackers. You have hot chocolate and bun, and other ghoulettes also eat. While eating, you all laughed and chatted.

Next, after hot chocolate you all went back to skate again around the lake. Sometimes you all skate hand in hand and sometimes in pairs while chatting among others.

As you were skating with Cumulus, she asked if you wanted to play with her. You immediately said yes. So you take the ghouls ice hockey sticks and start to pass together, and you have fun. At that same time, Cirrus was teaching Sunshine to skate backwards.

When your toes start to feel cold and your nose starts to tingle, you ask from other ghoulettes about turning back to warm. All the other skaters agreed. So you all change ice skates off and start to walk back to the ministry.

At the time when you were entering the ministry, all of the ghouls (minus Rain) were asking where you were. Rain was trying to tell other ghouls that you were skating. He heard your conversation about today's ice skating. After all, everything is okay, but the ghouls were puzzled.

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