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Charlotte's POV :

My alarm went off and I shivered when my feet touched the cold floor. I rubbed my eyes, walking to my small bathroom. Turning on the light and looking at myself in the mirror, I frowned. I had big dark circles under my eyes and my hair was all tangled.

After brushing my teeth and choosing a simple outfit, I drank a big glass of water and took a deep breath.

I opened my window and waited. Only a few minutes later, Catsby appeared. I fed him and scratched his soft red fur before grabbing my bag and locking my front door.

I walked as fast as I could, checking my phone to see that I was running a minute late. I entered the set of Station 19, showed my ID to the security guard and made my way to where I was told.

I stopped in front of a room in a large corridor and knocked before pushing the door open.

Immediately, at least thirty pair of eyes looked at me.

I suddenly felt so little and vulnerable and I found myself unable to say a word.

"Ah Charlotte ! We were waiting for you, come in." Said a lady whom I remembered being named Krista.

"You can sit right here." She nicely pointed to an empty chair where my name was written.

I nodded shyly and walked to sit next to a blond woman. Fortunately there was no one on my other side, it made me feel less trapped.

I set down my script and we started the table read.

I managed to transform into my character and forget about my life.

At the end, everyone stood up and I let out a shaky breath.

"I didn't have time to introduce myself before, I'm Danielle."

"Hi." I whispered. "I'm Charlotte."

"It's a beautiful name."

I blushed slightly and Danielle put her hand on my shoulder.

"Do you want to come have lunch with us ?"

"I- I think I'm gonna see where my trailer is."

"I can go with you if you want ? You've never been here before, right ?"

I shook my head and Danielle smiled then held out her hand. I took it and she helped me up.

She made me visit the set quickly and then we stopped in front of a trailer.

"Well, your trailer is right next to mine !" Danielle exclaimed.

I entered it and put my bag on the floor.

I looked around, trying to take everything in.

"I know it must be stressful."

I turned to look at her.

"But you have no reason to be anxious. You did great this morning."

"Thank you."

"Do you want to go get something to eat ? It's already one pm." Danielle suggested.

"No I'm good."

"You sure ? We have a big afternoon ahead of us." She frowned.

I looked down.

"I don't- I rather sit here and- and-" I looked around and started playing with my fingers.

I was getting worked up, not knowing how to tell Danielle I was too anxious to go sit with everyone else.

"Hey Charlotte, it's okay. It's fine." She said putting her hands on my shoulders.

"It's okay." She repeated.

A Soft Touch Far Away - (Stefanielle fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now