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Charlotte's POV :

I was lucky not to have any scenes in the days that followed my breakdown because I had a huge bump under the cut on my forehead.

Stefania and Danielle took turns in changing the little bandage, even if I told them I could do it myself.

They were so much more careful now, scared I would have a bad time and damage my body.

We even set up rules like I wasn't allowed to lock the door or when I was feeling a little overwhelmed I had to go to them.

It was easier said than done but I was trying my best.

Right now we were all sitting in the car, on the way to the tree top adventure course and I was so excited.

"Danielle you're doing it with me, right ?" I confirmed, I needed reassurance.

"Of course sweetheart." She said her eyes on the road.

We soon arrived and a man explained the safety rules before handing Dani and I a harness.

We started climbing on a tree and once we were on top, the track started.

We had to walk on a wood bridge, very high in between the trees.

Then there was a zip-line and Danielle screamed from the top of her lungs, it was so funny to watch.

"Bambina !"

"Bambina smile for the picture !"

I looked at the floor and waved at Stefania who was taking pictures of me.

I joined Danielle and we finished the course.

I had so much fun and Stefania even bought us ice creams when we were finally on the ground.

On the road to come home, my eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep from all the enjoyment I had.

Stefania's POV :

"It looks like she had a great day." I smiled.

"Yeah, I never heard her laugh that much, it made me so happy." Danielle answered.

"Me too."

"I wish she could be happy and carefree all the time."

"I don't think she'll be very content when we tell her that she has a therapist appointment tomorrow." Dani confessed.

"She'll be fine."

"She needs to understand that it'll help eventually."

My girlfriend nodded and took my hand in hers.

"Do you know that I love you ?"

"I do babe, you tell me all day, every day." I played along.

She grinned and kissed my knuckles just as I pulled into the driveway.

"Wait," She said as I was walking out of the car.

"Do you want to spend some time at your house ? It's been a while since you've been there."

"I- uh... I feel at home here."

"Do you want to move in ?" Dani asked, her eyes shining.

I smiled softly, thinking of sharing everything with my lover.

"I would love to but I think it's a conversation we shouldn't have in a car with a bambina sleeping in the backseat." I laughed lightly.

I shook Charlotte a little to wake her up.

"Open your eyes Charlie, we're home."

Saying home to describe Danielle's house felt right, I thought to myself.

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