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Stefania's POV :

Charlotte was asleep but we could still feel the heat radiating from her body.

We kept the ice-packs under her neck and knees and Danielle explained to me what happened.

But then her phone rang and it was Krista, asking her if she could go on set and get ahead with her scenes.

"I don't want to leave her alone. Especially when the doctor comes." She confessed.

"She's not alone, I'm here." I smirked.

Danielle smiled softly.

"But I'm her chaperone."

Her phone vibrated again.

"They really need me." The blond sighed.

"So go."

"I will stay with her, even when the doctor is here and I will keep you in touch with everything you need to know. Don't worry."

Danielle hesitated another second before standing up and kissing Charlotte's forehead.

"She's still so hot." She sighed.

"Thank you for staying." She then said to me and kissed my cheek before making her way out of the room.

I kept fondling the teen's hair until I heard a knock on the door.

I stood up and opened it.

"Hi, I'm here to check on Charlotte ?" She asked looking inside the room to confirm she was in the right place.

"Yes, yes. Please come in." I stepped aside.

"So she's been sleeping for forty minutes now, but she's still very hot and red. But she isn't sweating anymore." I explained.

"It's probably a heatstroke, but I want to make sure it's not something else."

"Do I have to wake her up ?" I asked.

The doctor nodded sadly so I sat back on the edge of the bed and slowly stroked Charlotte's red cheeks.

"Wake up bambina. The doctor is here."

"Open your pretty eyes."

Charlotte moved uncomfortably and finally woke up.

"My head hurts." She groaned.

I looked at her sadly.

The doctor took her temperature and checked some other things before concluding it was in fact a heatstroke.

"I'd advise her to take a lukewarm shower or bath, but not icy cold. She has to drink a lot of water, but not all at once, preferably regularly. I will leave you a thermometer to check her corporal temperature, if it doesn't go down before tonight, call me back."

"Thank you." I said and walked the doctor to the door.

Once I closed it behind her, I turned towards Charlotte who was trying to stand up on her own.

"Hey hey hey wait for me I'll help you bambina."

"I just have to use the bathroom." She whispered weakly.

"Okay, let me walk you to the toilet."

I took her arm and put it behind my neck. I helped her to the bathroom and sat her down on the toilet seat.

"You sure you're good ?" I asked, seeing her struggle to even sit up straight.

"Umm... Maybe not." She confessed, her face turning redder, as if it was even possible.

A Soft Touch Far Away - (Stefanielle fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now