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Charlotte's POV :

"Valeria and Ashton gave me some instructions for today," Nancy said and I lifted my head and frowned.

"You talked to them ?" I asked softly but still surprised.

"Yes ! My husband is their lawyer," She smiled, as if it was totally normal.

"But... is this legal ?"

"I mean I thought the people I would go with today were supposed to be people that don't know either my parents or Stefania and Danielle..." I admitted.

Nancy walked dangerously close to me.

"Well, you're staying with us today," She growled.

"And I don't want to hear their names again," She said, grabbing my chin painfully and making me raise my head.

"Who ?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes.

"Your dyke friends," She replied angrily.

She let go of my face and I rubbed my chin.

"First, a big magazine is waiting for you to do a photoshoot for their new collection."

I opened my eyes wide. What was happening ?

"Then you have two castings for a film and a new TV show and finally there is this important party your parents' want you to attend," She explained, already putting on her jacket.

"Come on," She said, opening the door for me.

"M- may I use the restroom please ?" I asked shyly.

"Be quick."

I looked around and walked into a long corridor before reaching the bathroom.

I sat on the toilet seat and reached into my pocket, unfolding the piece of paper Danielle had given me.

'Be strong Lottie, be brave and remember to take a breath when you feel too many emotions. Please drink a sip of water and take a bite of the cereal bar I put in your bag. Remember I love you.'

I wiped a single tear and folded it back in my pocket.

"CHARLOTTE !" Nancy shouted and I ran as fast as possible to the hall.

She had a driver like my parents and he drove us in a heavy silence to the first stop of the day.

We went inside a nice house and Nancy introduced me to a man who was a photographer. I didn't really get for which magazine he was working but the moment he showed me his pictures and what he wanted me to do, I felt my blood run cold.

I tried to find the words to explain it.

"I- I'm not really comfortable with this type of... photos," I stuttered.

The man turned towards Nancy and frowned.

"I thought she was fine with this," He said.

"She is, she completely is."

"Charlotte, come here," Nancy said and grabbed my arm before dragging me behind a screen.

"This magazine pays a lot to your parents for you to be their model, so you'll suck it up and do it."

"Be grateful for once," She grunted.

I nodded, scared of her reaction and of disappointing my parents again, and mostly scared of what they were capable of doing.

I set my bag on the floor and I heard my phone vibrate.

'Hi sweetie, how are u ? Are you having a good time ? Give us updates, Stef and I think about you a lot, we love you bby'

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