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Danielle's POV :

We came back to the hotel and Charlotte went to her room.

My phone rang.

'Ciao bella. The guys and I are going for a walk in fifteen, do you want to come ?'

"Yeah that's a good idea !"

'Try to bring the bambina, it would be good if she gets some fresh air.'

"See you there." I smiled through the phone.

I knocked on the door between Charlotte and I's bedrooms.

"Come in." I heard a sleepy voice say.

I pushed open the door and Charlotte was laying on her bed, focused on her phone.

She raised her head to look at me.

"What are you doing sweet girl ?"

"Just resting." She simply answered.

"Stefania and the others are going for a walk. I may join them. Do you want to come ?"

She grunted and flopped even more on the bed.

"Come on. You spent the whole day inside, and it's not too hot outside."

She groaned again, but sat up.

"Okay mom." She joked, but it took me a little by surprise.

I tried to hide it and came back to my room to change into some leggings.

"Ready to go ?" I asked through the door after a few minutes.

"Yes !" She yelled from the other side of the door so I opened it to find her dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt.

"You'll be a little hot in that, won't you ?" I frowned.

"I... I actually don't have anything else." She said looking down in shame.

"Oh it's okay, you can borrow me something, I always over-pack anyways." I laughed slightly and led her to my room.

I managed to find little shorts and a thin tee-shirt that weren't going to be too big on her small body.

She changed quickly in her room and came back.

The clothes were a bit loose on her as she was still very frail but it would do the job.

We took the elevator and found the others waiting for us.

"Wow, I'm seeing double !" Laughed Barrett as Charlotte was wearing my clothes and our hair was styled the same, coincidentally.

"Let's go !" Exclaimed Grey.

We started walking to a small forest where we could hide from the sun under the shadows of the trees.

Rapidly, we started to get divided into small groups.

I was walking with Merle, someone I liked a lot.

"So how it is going with chaperoning Charlotte ?" She asked.

"Great. We had a little scare at the beginning of the week with the heatstroke but now she's feeling better."

"And she's so mature, and nice."

"You like her very much."

"She's like a mini me !" I explained.

"I started acting young as well so I know the struggle to try and be included with the adults."

"But she's doing great and she's talented for her age." Merle pointed out.

A Soft Touch Far Away - (Stefanielle fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now