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Danielle's POV :

"Good girl Lottie," I said helping her step off the scale.

Charlotte had gained a little weight and was a little healthier physically.

Mentally it was still hard for her but we kept working on it, it was an everyday job but I thought we were good at it.

"When is Stefania coming back ?" She asked, checking the temperature of the bath with her hand.

"She won't be long sweetheart," I answered, helping her take off her pajama top.

Stefania had gone on the set of Greys to catch up a few scenes because we've all been out of work since Charlotte's parents showed up.

I took Lotti's hand to help her balance as she was ready to go in the bathtub when the doorbell rang.

I frowned, not waiting for anyone.

"Maybe Stefania forgot her keys ?" Lottie shrugged.

"Wait here," I said and made my way downstairs.

"Stefania you-"

"Good morning miss Savre, I'm Vera from Child Protective Services," A middle-aged woman introduced herself.

"H- hello," I said completely taken aback.

"Is Charlotte Rayne here ?" She asked, looking behind me in the house.

"Uuuh yes she is,"

"Why are you here ?" I questioned, feeling my heart beat very fast.

"Her parents are filing a complaint because they believe you're holding her while you have no rights upon her," Vera explained as if it was a normal thing to say on a daily basis.

"What ? But they were the ones to take her away and abuse her like a month ago !" I yelled, feeling my blood boil.

"I'm not a judge, I'm only here to make a report about Charlotte."

"I'll be in and out, I just need to talk to her for a minute," She added, sighing like I wasn't letting her do her job properly.

"Charlotte just got in the bath, you can't see her now," I said quickly, trying to avoid having to get Lottie and make her talk to a stranger as I knew it would end up in a massive panic attack and probably bring back many bad memories.

Vera looked at her watch.

"Well, I can't wait for a few minutes, just for you to go get her ready," She suggested.

I was speechless, I didn't know what excuse I should use now and I knew Charlotte must be waiting for me at this point.

Fortunately, Stef appeared behind Vera.

"Hello ?" She said, frowning at the stranger standing at our door frame. It also brought back horrible memories for us.

"I'm Vera from CPS, I'm here to talk to Charlotte but apparently she's in the bath," Vera said annoyed.

Stef gave me a quick look and turned back to Vera.

"Yes she is, and then she has an appointment she really has to get to."

She then turned towards me.

"Isn't she ready yet my love ? We should leave in a few minutes," Stef lied.

"I guess we're running a little late, I'll get her ready now," I replied entering Stef's lie.

"Well Vera I'm sorry we don't have time to give you right now," I faked my disappointment.

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