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Stefania's POV :

The week break flew quickly and I soon found myself driving to the table read on Monday morning.

I joined Danielle in the breakfast room and we nibbled until it was time to work.

When we entered the reunion room, Charlotte was already there.

She was sitting, her head resting on her crossed arms.

Even from the distance, I could see she seemed exhausted.

I made my way to her with Danielle by my side and stroked her back but she flinched and raised her head.

She had big dark circles under her eyes and she looked so pale. Her jawline and cheekbones were protruding more than before. She looked so broken.

"Charlotte ?" I asked with worry, waiting for an explanation or something that could reassure Danielle and I.

She opened her mouth like she wanted to say something but closed it straight away.

I glanced at Danielle with concern and my girlfriend mirrored my expression.

"Alright everybody ! Welcome to this new table read. Today we will tackle two episodes."

"You'll see that some actors are more present than in the last episodes because some storylines will be more focused at this point."

We all sat down and started the table read.

I could see Charlotte from the corner of my eyes and she broke my heart.

Only when she was playing, she seemed okay. But as soon as she wasn't in the scene, she looked at her lap and was fidgeting with her fingers uncomfortably.

We soon took a break and Charlotte immediately stood up and went to the restroom.

I looked at Danielle with a frown and decided to follow her.

"Charlie ? Charlie baby wait for me."

"Stefania, go away." She said with a broken voice.

I kept following her until she locked herself in one of the stalls.

"Charlie can you let me in ? I just want to talk to you."

"No please let me alone."

Her voice was shaking and I could tell she was trying not to cry.

"I just want to help. Danielle and I just want to help."

A sob escaped from the cubicle.

"Please Charlie just open the door." I pleaded.

At this moment, the main door of the toilets opened and Camilla walked in.

"Hey Stef ! We'll be sharing lots of scenes on Grey's for the next few weeks !" She said excitedly.

"I'm looking forward to." I answered trying to sound normal.

"You should go back, I think your break is nearly over I just saw Jason coming back to the room."

"Alright, thank you."

Camilla washed her hands and left.

"Charlie baby ?"

"You heard Camilla we need to go back. I'll wait for you in front of the toilets." I said still wanting her to have some privacy.

When I stepped out, Danielle was here.

"Where is she ? Is she inside ? Is she okay ?"

"Calm down bella." I said.

"She's in the restroom but she needed time. She didn't want to talk to me tho."

A Soft Touch Far Away - (Stefanielle fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now