Chapter 2

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September 2nd, 1995

"Lorelai! Lo, wake up!"

I felt someone shaking me awake, clearly disrupting my slumber.

"Mmhmm." I mumble, hoping the mysterious person will go away and let me sleep.

"Lo, you have to hurry up or you'll be late to breakfast!"

I look up to see Hermione eagerly trying to get me up. As I look beyond her, I see Parvati and Lavender getting ready for the day.

I looked at the clock on the nightstand, reading 7:46.

How could I have slept in on my first day?

I hurriedly rushed up out of bed, just in time as Lavender walked out of the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, put on some makeup, and tried to fix my curls. I ended up putting my hair in a ponytail, and calling it good.

After finishing getting ready, I put on my skirt and polo, and then my jumper over it, noticing how cold it was in the dorm. I was grateful to see that Hermione waited for me, so we walked down to the common room together.

Once we reached the doorway leading into the common room, we were hit with an astonishing amount of noise coming from all sorts of conversations students were having. It was loud enough to hear what they were talking about, but with the overlapped talking upon each other, it was difficult to understand what they were saying.

I looked over to Hermione, clearly just as overwhelmed as I was, so I decided to grab her hand and lead her through the common room out the door.

I looked at her with a knowing smile, before starting on to the great hall, Hermione following closely behind.

Once we made it to the great hall and got situated into our seats, we started talking about our classes.

"So, its looking like we have Potions first today," Hermione says to me.

"Don't remind me," Neville starts, before looking at me and laughing. I laugh as well, knowing how much he has a hatred for Snape.

"And we have Defense Against the Dark Arts Next. I'm going to be honest, I don't think I'm going to like Umbridge as our teacher just by the way she spoke to us. It was as if she had something evil up her sleeve." Hermione confides in me, as I let out a sigh of relief, knowing I wasn't the only one who thought that.

"I was thinking the same thing, Mione." I say as I take a sip of my coffee.

Just as I say that, Seamus leans over from his spot across from me.

"Okay, what is up with the new teacher? Why is she wearing so much pink, it's obnoxious." He says to me, causing Dean to giggle and me to nod in agreement. I didn't really care for pink in the first place, but seeing it on basically her whole entire body put pink in a new light for me.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling she will be wearing pink again today." Dean says to us, while continuing to eat his food.

Ginny, who was sitting near us, laughed and nodded and Deans remark, causing him to smile.


The first class was Potions, so I grabbed my things and made my way to Snape's classroom.
As I was walking there, I noticed a light pair of foootsteps behind me, but when I turned around, there was no one there.

I didn't think much of it, but then I realized it could have been someone in the invisibility cloaks trying to scare me, so I turned around. But right when I did so, I was met with Seamus jumping out of what seemed like thin air.

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