Chapter 3

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TW: Umbridge detention ykyk

Idk if this needs a TW but yk

September 4th, 1995

Today was Wednesday, meaning it was the day of me and Harry's detention, and I was not looking forward to it.

The only thing keeping me distracted was the idea of the powder Fred gave me, which I still haven't used yet. I didn't know when I was going to use it, but I figured I should do it after my detention. That way, I would have that stressor out of the way.

It seemed like the day was going by as slow as possible. All I wanted to do was go to detention and get it over with as soon as I could.

Astronomy was a subject I struggled with enough on its own, but now with Umbridge weighing heavily on our shoulders, it's like I couldn't focus on anything.

"Lorelai, are you ok? You seem kind of out of it," Neville asks me while Trelawney continues talking about constellations.

"Yeah, I'm fine! I'm just a little worried about detention, but I'll be fine. I mean, what's the worst she can do, right?" I respond, humoring the situation.

If only I knew what was in store for me and Harry that night.

I Met Harry in the common room right before our detention. We basically walked the whole way in silence.

"I don't get it, I just don't get it. I mean, she has no right to give us a detention! All I did was tell her the truth, and all you were doing was backing me up! This is all absurd," he vents, while I listen and nod in agreement.

"Yeah, I agree. It makes absolutely no sense."

Once we made it to her office, Harry hesitantly knocked on the door.

"Come in!" We heard faintly from inside, inviting us to open the door and enter. Once I stepped inside, I was immediately overwhelmed. The color of almost everything in her office was pink, and I could hear the faint sound of meowing, only to turn and see cats pictured on dainty plates hung up on her walls. Even the tea she was drinking from was pink.

"Please, have a seat," she states, ordering us into the dark pink leather chairs seated in front of her desk.

We sat in them, and I took notice at how comfortable these chairs were. Like dang, I would love for this to be in my dorm.

"So, today, we are going to be doing a certain exercise involving writing." She says, gesturing to the papers on her desk.

When Umbridge mentions writing, me and Harry reach for our quills in our bags, only for her to stop us.

"No no, not with your quills. You will be writing with special quills."

Me and Harry look at each other, while Umbridge sets down two quills with pink and purple accents on the feathers.

"You are both to write I must not tell lies."

"How many times?" Harry asks.

Umbridge looks at him, yet again with that smile. "Until it sinks in."

I start writing, wanting to be out of there as soon as I could. But when I started, I felt a burning on my hand. I stopped writing, stopping the pain. I looked over at Umbridge, who nodded at me to continue writing. I started again, and winced in pain. Harry took notice, and looked over at my hand, disbelief written on his face. It was only when I looked at the burning sensation that I understood.

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