November (9)

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TW: brief mention of drinking

The chapters with a month will be just a skim through of the month, so I'm sorry if it's really fast paced!

The November months became chilly, as I had to start wearing my jumper whenever I would go to classes. I didn't really enjoy colder weather, but something about this particular month sent me hope.

The Slytherins won the last quidditch game, so like discussed, the party would be in the Slytherin common room. But, Gryffindors being Gryffindors, Fred and George decided to throw a party in our common room anyways. When the Slytherins find out they're going to be furious.

So, that's why I was in my dorm room, with Hermione and Ginny, doing our hair and makeup. I decided that since it was probably going to be the last party in a while, to do a bold eye look. I don't usually experiment with makeup as much, so this was all new to me.

I looked over to see Ginny in the corner, curling her hair, and Hermione, putting on some mascara.

"Do you guys want some music?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Obviously," Ginny says to me bluntly. This causes me to smile as I click on the radio, a song from the muggle station playing.

"Oh, sick! I love Motley Crüe!" Ginny beams, as I laugh. She starts to get up, mid-curled hair, and starts singing.

"Girls, Girls, Girls! Red lips, fingertips."

I didn't know this song too well, but I liked it a lot. I danced along with her as I put my eyeliner down.


There was a lot of people in the common room, way more than usual. This must be because I noticed some other houses sneak in. Plus, we were a little late, so we didn't see the others come in.

I look over to see Fred completely plastered, dancing on the table while George pretended to throw money at him.

As the music fills my ears, I grab Hermione and Ginny and we make our way to the dance floor. I don't know what it is, but something about dancing just calms me, when it in fact, should do the opposite. I head to the table full of drinks, grabbing one, until I see someone leaning against the wall, eyeing me down.

Theo Nott.

What was he doing here? I left the table as soon as I could, but not soon enough. Theo rushed up to me and grabbed my arm.

"Where do you think you're off to, darling?" He asks me, causing me to shudder.

"Why are you here? You're in Slytherin."

"Well spotted. I snuck in with Draco," he tilts his head, gesturing over to where Draco is, flirting with a sixth year.

"Plus, I thought I'd see you here." He leans in.

"What do you want from me?" I pull away with force, causing him to put his hands up in defense.

"Just...stop hanging out with that Longbottom boy, and start hanging out with me," He smirks. "Plus, I don't think it would matter, because it looks like someone new caught his eye."

I turn around, and my stomach drops. Neville's sitting on the couch, while Ava is sitting next to him, laughing. She then stands up, before I turn back around to Theo.

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