Chapter 3

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Coraline walked into her room after washing and dressing for bed and saw the plush that Merita left her.

Coraline: Huh?

Coraline puts the Coraline doll down on the bed, and picks up the plush and reads the note that was pinned on it with a sewing needle, out loud.

Coraline: ( reads the note out loud: ) Dear Coraline, I hope you like this little welcome gift I made ya. I thought it would be better than a doll that looked like you. Yes. I saw Wybie send you that doll, kinda creepy if you ask me, but it's Wybie. From, your newest ginger friend, Mery. ( Normal: ) Why did she draw a heart at the end of her name? Meh, she's probably just being weird, in a good way. ( Looks at the plush ) You are kinda cute, especially with the stubby arms, but what are you supposed to be? A cat? Or a fox? Maybe both?

Coraline shrugs her shoulders before she removes the sewing needle, causing the note to fall to the ground and she picks it up. She then placed the sewing needle and the note on the shelf next to the turtle shell. Before she went to her bed with the plush in her hands and fell backwards into her bed, on her pillow. It was still raining outside. Coraline puts the Coraline doll and the plush on the chair beside her, then scratches at the poison oak rash on her wrist. Coraline reaches for a framed photo that rests on a toy praying mantis by her night lamp. It was a photo of her friends back in Michigan, and she touched the photo with her fingertips.

Coraline: Don't forget about me, guys. Okay?

She then puts the photo back, and hits the light switch over her bed, and looking over at the Coraline doll and the plush.

Coraline: Good-Night... Little Me, Cat-Fox.

( With Merita )

Merita was in the kitchen with the " Other Mother " aka the Beldam, helping her make food as they waited for Coraline. The Beldam was wearing rooster-head oven mitts, and looked exactly like Coraline's mother, except with button eyes.

Beldam: ( whispers to Merita: ) Remember your cover, Fox?

Merita: Yes, Mother.

Beldam: Good. And remember your place, Fox.

Merita: Yes, Mother.

The Beldam then began humming a soothing tone while Merita began setting up the table with a fake smile as they heard Coraline's voice in the living room. Merita smiled more generally as Coraline entered the kitchen, the Beldam was facing away from Coraline as she works.

Coraline: Mom?! Merita?! What are you doing here in the middle of the night?

The Beldam turns from the stove to greet her and Coraline was dumbstruck by the Beldam's button eyes. Merita and the Beldam beamed with happiness at Coraline's arrival.

Beldam: ( to Coraline: ) You're just in time for supper, dear!

Coraline: ( to the Beldam: ) You're not my mother. My mother doesn't have ( Points to her own eye ) b-b-buh...

Beldam: B-b-b-buttons? Do you like them? I'm your Other Mother, silly. Now, go tell your Other Father that supper's ready. ( Opens the oven door ) Merita, would you be a dear and go with her?

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