Chapter 6

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Merita watched as Coraline was some bits of cheddar by the door, and she calmly turned the doll around to face the wall once she noticed it was looking at her.

Coraline: Alright, now that the mice bait is by the door, we can sleep now.

Merita: Alright.

Merita then stood up and went to sleep by the window, Coraline looked at her with a raised brow.

Coraline: Uh, Mery, you do realize that we made a bed of extra blankets and pillows on the floor-

Merita: I'm good. Just go to sleep, firecracker.

Coraline rolled her eyes at Merita, and went to bed. Merita then laid down on the seating at Coraline's window. Merita waited until Coraline asleep, before she turned into a fox and sneaked out of the room and went to the little door. She then opened the door, and closed it behind her and walked down the tunnel with her ears pinned back and her tail low. Once she got to the other world, the Beldam grabbed her by the scruff and held her up in the air with an angered expression.

Beldam: ( to Merita, coldly: ) Where have you been, fox? Didn't you hear the bell?

Merita: Sorry, Mother. B-But, Coraline invited me to a sudden sleepover, and you told me to make friends with her-

Beldam: I did, but now I need you to do something else as well. I'll tell you later, but first, change forms now and go into the garden.

Merita: Yes, Mother.

The Beldam then dropped Merita, and the ginger turned into a human, and went outside into the garden. Where the Other Father was waiting for her, on a praying mantis tractor.

Other Father: ( to Merita: ) You mustn't make Mother angry, kiddo.

Merita: I wasn't trying to.

Other Father: Come on, we need to get into place.

The Other Father then help Merita on the praying mantis tractor and they waited out of Coraline's view as she went to the garden. Plants growing when she walked pass them and hummingbirds circling around her, the birds led her up the steps past a stone wall where bleeding hearts grew, glow, and beat.

Coraline then spots the Other Father and Merita, riding the praying mantis tractor on the hillside, planting seeds that instantly grow into flowers.

Other Father: ( to Coraline, happily: ) Hey!!!

Merita: Hi, Coraline!

Coraline: I love your garden!

Other Father: Our garden, Coraline!

A gang of snap dragons goes at Coraline, tickling her till she falls down. Coraline's squeals of delight grew into hysterical laughter.

Coraline: ( giggling: ) Oh ah, stop! Stop tickling, ah!

Other Father: Oops, daughter in distress!

The Other Father guns the tractor full-speed over a little bridge, Merita grabbing a gourd trumpet from a vine and blowing it. Jack-o'-lanterns surface in the pond below and spout streams of water. Arriving to Coraline, the Other Father waggles his finger at the snapdragons.

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