Chapter 13 ( short )

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Merita and Coraline were at Miss Spink and Miss Forcible's apartment and she was no longer wearing the muzzle, having tea while Miss Spink was knitting a sweater with wings for a worried looking Angus, who sits on her lap. The fox plush is seen being sniffed at by the other Scottie dogs as it stood beside the sofa, Spink thinks that the plush was a puppy due to the texture of its fur. Coraline anxiously sips her tea. Merita was still holding onto the button eye in her hand.

Coraline: Uh... don't you only make wings for the...dead ones?

Miss Spink: Just looking ahead dear... Angus hasn't been feeling very well of late.

Miss Forcible: ( Off-screen: ) April? Aren't you getting ready?

Miss Spink: We've lost our ride, Miriam. Caroline says her parents have vanished, quite completely.

Merita shielded her eyes with her free hand.

Miss Forcible: What?! We've waited months for those tickets.

Merita looked at her feet when Miss Forcible went to address to Miss Spink.

Miss Spink: I suppose we could walk!

Miss Forcible: With your gamy legs? It's nearly two miles to the theater!-

Coraline clears her throat, frustrated.

Miss Spink: Oh, oh yes...your missing parents. Merita's right, we know just what you need. Miriam, get.... That's right.

Miss Forcible grabs another dish of old stuck together candy and puts it in front of the girls.

Coraline: How is hundred-year-old candy going to help-

Merita shielded Coraline as Miss Spink suddenly raises her knitting needles and attacks the candy, sending sticky chips of candy flying, she then pulls a large, three-sided candy with a hole it from the rubble and Miss Spink passes it to Coraline.

Miss Spink: There you go, sweety.

Coraline studies the odd candy, while Merita dust the candy chips off herself.

Coraline: What's it for?

Miss Spink: Well, it might help. They're good for bad things, sometimes.

Miss Forcible: No, they're good for lost things.

Merita rolled her eyes at the two old ladies as they began to argue.

Miss Spink: It's bad things, Miriam.

Miss Forcible: Lost things, April.

Miss Spink: Bad.

Miss Forcible: Lost.

Miss Spink: Bad Things!

They continued to argue, to the point Coraline and the fox plush couldn't take it anymore. Merita and Coraline then got up, Coraline takes the odd piece of candy, and the fox plush followed the two girls as they left.

( Slight Time Skip, at Night )

Merita was in the living room, she was watching as the muzzle was burning in the fires of the fireplace. She yawned as she laid down on the couch to sleep, and she began to fall asleep and drift off into a dream.

( In Merita's Dream )

We see a eight year old Merita laying on her back on top of van with a teenage boy that looked exactly like her as her parents were asleep in the vehicle.

Kid Merita: ( to the teenager: ) Mero?

The teenage boy, now revealed to be " Mero ", turned to her with a smile.

Mero: Yeah, sis?

Kid Merita: What do you think our lives will be like once we get to this " Pink Palace "? Do you think it's actually a palace?

Mero: ( chuckles ) I have no clue. But, I think once we fully adjust to our new surroundings and learn the culture, we'll no longer need to fear about those buttheads that want to use us.

Kid Merita: . . . Mero?

Mero: Yeah?

Kid Merita: You'll always be here with me, right?

Mero: Of course. You're my little sister. And siblings stick together, no matter what.

Kid Merita: ( yawns ) But, what if the buttheads find us and we get separated?

Mero: Then I'll go to heck and back looking for you, and I'll never stop until we'll become a family again.

Kid Merita: Promise?

Mero: Promise. And if I break that promise, I'll cut off my tail.

Kid Merita: No! Don't do that. Tails don't grow back!

Mero: ( laughs silently, and shushes Merita ) You'll wake mom and dad up, sis.

( In the real world )

Merita smiled softly in her sleep, as her fox ears and fox tail appeared.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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