Chapter 8

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Other Wybie walked in Merita's room to check on her, and he stand there in shock as he saw that not only Merita is in her bipedal fox form, her once fluffy fur was cut short, making her look almost like a cat.

Merita: Oh, hey, OW.

Other Wybie gestures to Merita's now shorthair bipedal fox form, asking her what happened to her fur.

Merita: You'll find out later. Right now, I need to get ready for Coraline.

Other Wybie raised his brow at her with a smile, Merita know what he was thinking.

Merita: I'm not doing that. I'm just... I'm just going to put on a show for her. Just lead Coraline to behind the house and follow the path to the place I made when she gets here. Now... Leave, I need to change in my human form.

The Other Wybie gives her a thumbs up before leaving the room. Merita then took a deep breath before she grabbed her scissors and what's left of her sewing supplies.

Merita: Alright, let's do this.

( Slight Time Skip, with Coraline )

Coraline was sitting in her room with the fox plushie as her parents were too busy with work to spend time with her all day, but she was too busy wondering what Merita's surprise could be. Coraline then got in bed, and she hugged the fox plushie as she fell asleep. And woke up to the sound of the jumping mice, she then brought the fox plush with her as she followed the mice to the Little Door, and she went to the Other World. She then saw her " Other Mother " and Other Wybie in the kitchen, seemingly to have been waiting for her. Other Wybie noticed that the fur of fox plush was the same color of Merita's bipedal fox form's fur, making realize what she did with the fur she'd cut off.

Beldam: Hello, Coraline!

Coraline: Hi. Is Merita here? She said she had a surprise for me today.

Beldam: No, she's waiting for you where the surprise is. I wish I could tell you what it is, but she made me swear not to spoil it. She also told Wybie to lead you to it when you got here, so run along. Have fun!

Coraline and Other Wybie then walked outside, to behind the house. Once the two got outside, the fox plush Merita made Coraline, sprung to life and jumped out of Coraline's hand, making her gasp as the little fox plushie gave Coraline a cute little " yip " as it tail wagged.

Coraline: ( to the little fox plush: ) So, that's what Mery was talking about when she said that you had a little surprise in ya when you are here, little guy. You come to life here.

The little fox plush jumped around Coraline happily, and she then picked it up with a smile. Other Wybie was in complete shock, as he didn't know that Merita could do that.

The two then noticed that a path of glowing fox paw prints was leading somewhere in what looked like a huge magical forest behind the house.

Coraline: Whoa. Where did that come from?

Other Wybie shrugged his shoulders in response. The two then followed the path to what looked like a medieval tavern in the middle of the woods, the sign said " Kitsune's Tavern ".

 The two then followed the path to what looked like a medieval tavern in the middle of the woods, the sign said " Kitsune's Tavern "

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