Chapter 15

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Coraline, Merita, and the fox plush walked into the theater as Spink and Forcible's play song played. Coraline picks up a flashlight that was on the ground, clicks it on, and the trio steps forward. Coraline sweeps the light beam around, the fox plush and Merita keep their guard up as they follow Coraline, then they hear something overhead. Coraline aims the flashlight up and Merita looks up to see that the light had startled a nest of bat dogs. One bares his teeth and growls. Merita quickly turns the flashlight off.

On stage, one spotlight and footlights fade up on a huge, wrapped taffy. It hangs on ropes and sandbags. Merita and Coraline cautiously climbed up onto the stage, Merita used her tail to help the fox plush up onto the stage. A human sized taffy, striped pale pink and green, can be seen through the wrapper. Coraline holds up the triangle candy with the hole to her eye and looked at the giant taffy through it.

Coraline: It's in the wrapper.

Merita: Why would there be an eye in a- It's the Beldam, I don't want to know.

Coraline then punched a hole through the wrapper, steels herself, then reaches inside. Coraline then pulls out two clasped together taffy hands.

Merita: Aannnd it's official, I'm never eating taffy again.

Coraline: Agreed.

Coraline pries the taffy hands open, revealing a large pearl on a ring.

Coraline: The pearl!

Merita: Huh, usually something traumatizing happens-

The hands suddenly grabbed Coraline, and she screamed.

Merita: There it is!

Merita then instinctively transforms into her bipedal fox form, and tries to pull Coraline away from the Other Spink and Forcible as they popped their heads out of the wrapper. Merita was growling at them and the fox plush quickly tries to chew Other Spink and Forcible's hands off.

Other Spink and Forcible: Thief!! Give it back!

Merita pulled Coraline and the fox plush away, and the taffy monster that is Other Spink and Forcible began crawling towards them and kept telling " Thief! " and " Give it back! "

Coraline then gets an idea, and clicks the flashlight on and aims it at the bat-dogs. They growl with annoyance, and open their wings. Merita and the fox plush were about to pounce at the taffy monster as it got closer, but Coraline hurls the flashlight at the bat-dogs and hits them. Angered, they take wing to attack Coraline, but Coraline pushed Merita and the fox plush, and dived out of the way at the last second. The Bat-dogs and taffy monster collide, and Coraline's hand is released by the taffy hands, leaving her the pearl. The Bat-dogs and taffy monster then become still as stone and turned to dead, gray ash, as does the stage and theater.

Merita: Yep, definitely never eating taffy ever again.

The pearl in Coraline's hand pulses blue.

Tall Ghost Girl: Hurry on, girls. Her web is unwinding!

Coraline nods her head, and sticks the pearl in her bag. The trio then left the theater and began going to the Other Mr. Bobinsky's Apartment, and Merita turned back into a human. They climbed the flight of stairs, hearing haunting circus music, but as they climbed the last flight of stairs to Bobinsky's. They stopped with a shudder, as they saw that the flag was replaced with the empty coat, gloves, pants, and sneakers of Other Wybie hanging like old laundry.

Coraline: Oh, Wybie...

Merita just turns her head away with a sad expression and looked at Coraline's bag. The fox plush whines in response at what they were seeing. Coraline takes a breath, leans out over the railing.

Coraline: ( shouts: ) EVIL WITCH. I'M NOT SCARED!

The door then creaks open, making Coraline shiver.

Merita: Well, isn't that one of the oldest tricks in the books.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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