Chapter 16

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The trio steps into the apartment and Coraline carefully shuts the door. The cannons and ferris wheel are dark and quiet; the circus tent glows dimly. The corners of the room are very dark.

Merita: ( whispers to Coraline, honestly: ) This would be a lot scarier if I didn't have the night vision of a fox.

The Other Bobinsky suddenly crawls by the door behind them. They turned around, all three of them on guard, the fox plush yips at him with a cute little growl. He looms up past the cannons on their right, leaning towards Coraline, his face was completely hidden.

Other Mr. Bobinsky: Hello, ga-loo-boo-shka.

Merita goes in front of Coraline and growls at Other Mr. Bobinsky, and the fox plush cutely growled at him.

Coraline: I'm Coraline.

The Other Mr. Bobinsky then throws out his arm towards the trio and the circus ball from the mouse circus rolls from his sleeve to his hand.

Other Mr. Bobinsky: Is dis vhat you're looking for?

Coraline looked through the hole of the triangle candy, and Merita knew it was what they were looking for by the look on Coraline's face.

Coraline: Uh-huh.

Merita tries to take it from him, but he was too quick. He back-bends to all fours and scuttles around the trio towards the back shadows.

Other Mr. Bobinsky: ( to Coraline, as if Merita and the fox plush didn't exist: ) You tink vinning game and freeing kitsune is goot ting?

Coraline was scanning for him with the triangle candy while Merita and the fox plush didn't take their eyes off him as they can see him clearly with their night vision.

Other Mr. Bobinsky: ( to Coraline: ) You'll just go home and be bored and neglected...

The trio see him twine up a post behind Coraline, crawling out on a beam.

Other Mr. Bobinsky: ( to Coraline: ) . . .same as alvays.

He swings upsidedown from his ankles, his head stopping right by Coraline's, who whips around alarmed. Merita and the fox plush growled protectively as they didn't let him leave their sight.

Other Mr. Bobinsky: Stay here vis us; vee vill listen to you and laugh vis you. 

He drops to the floor on his head, then slithers into the circus tent. The trio then hesitantly follows him.

When they went inside, they saw that Other Mr. B is perched on a pile of moldy cheese in the center of the circus ring.

Other Mr. Bobinsky: ( to Coraline: ) If you stay here, you can have vhatever you vant, vsig-DA-alvays.

Merita and the fox plush growled at him as Coraline looked through the triangle candy again. They followed as Coraline moved closer to him.

Coraline: You don't get it, do you?

Other Mr. Bobinsky: I don't understand.

Coraline: Of course you don't understand. You're just a copy she made of the real Mr. B.

Other Mr. Bobinsky: ( last breath: ) Not even that anymore.

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