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"If I find something fishy about you later on, I will make sure to slit your throat in one go girl" siya said while chewing, y/n nodded as she took a final morsel and grab her bag.

There is no way that siya is blind not to see the changes in y/n. girl is growing too much after that professor came, she kinda amused by watching her best friend fumbling out of nervousness and trying to hide the obvious truth.

But last night y/n studied. she started studying too much these days first college itself then after college Park and  Mr.lee then whole night high disciplined study schedule. It melted siya's heart how focused she is in her way to grow, she will never lose her focus in future even the whole universe sends the god like creature to her.



I enter as i spotted jack with his bratty group of spoiled kids, he is obviously a leader of that funky group without any doubt and there siya was concerned about this boy who is happily enjoying his company and that time he said, "i am jealous that Lisa has a friend like you who is ready to" blah blah!!

Aren't his friend got deaf when he tried to talk about his problem,  leave it!!

I rub my eyebrow and walk promptly, not to get catch what a lame act,  "hey"  i squeeze my eye tightly in annoyance.

"Hii!" I replied as I turn towards him, he is running towards me. Oh God!! This clown! I look around as I notice that most of the girls are gawking at me, i totally ignore their existence,
"Howdy pretty?" He chuckled.

I puked in cringe and rolled eyes, "fine" word came out nonchalantly, "how are you jack?" He looked down as i furrowed eyes in surprise because he is smiling at my question.
*This is new* i thought.

"Because of both of you and Siya, you both are concerned and it made me feel so special and you know i like the way--" he got cut off as bell rang. I offer him an apologetic look and run towards my class.

If I get late this time, I will be treated accordingly by jimin

I jump in the class and I was relieved because he is not here yet, i hurriedly went on my bench.

and no time has passed when the man of my eye came while brushing his hair back, killing self control of girls with his cockyness, there is no need for him to lift his pen to actually surrender the bodies across him.

He looks around and his eyes don't settle anywhere just moving the eyeball to notice the presence of  "all" students, maybe i am thinking too much of myself that he will treat me any differently in class.

Lisa is not attending classes anymore she is absent every now and then.

"So, do you all study hard for the Olympiad?" he asked suddenly, and this is all i need to divert my mind from HIM.

Class got silent as the sudden realisation that there are not many days left for exams, even everybody will pass the final semester but before that placement should be started, and now a days who actually study to gain knowledge no one i think, some selective questions to learn, some pre planned test that's it, you will pass exam and get a job not with decent pay but enough for your monthly expenses.

With this least expectations of survival people go on with life.

Sudden realisation hit hard and my stomach growled and hurt the way it did not before, if i will secure monthly pay, dad doesn't need to send me money and he can save it for future needs and if I save it too, we will be able to buy another house here.

What a poor mind I have shit! I flinched when i notice that somebody took place beside me maybe the boy from that day or maybe Lisa, I didn't notice, i can't dare to look beside because
the way jimin jaw clenched, i can see "don't dare to look other than me"  look in his eyes, i lick my lip out of  nowhere when I heard a soft "hii" from beside, and he is the boy for whom I went to jimin's office but...*ahem*

I nodded without looking at him, he chuckled freely, jimin started his lecture as the boy who sat beside me slide a chit by his fingers in front of me, i look down and read his message. *Can we grab coffee together after college?*

I look at him and here he is pleading. I gulped and grab my pen and write. *No*.....i don't have time for this,  he clutch his pen cutely and his lip make a pout with anger, i look at him in awe as his finger tip down at the paper writing another messages which could be giving up or telling me something that motivate me to go with him, *why?* his next message..

I ignore his over cute behaviour and look up focus infront instead beside, jimin get aside and command students to write what is written, i am scribbling in my textbook, he find a opportunity when nobody is looking at him, he send me a quick wink, i poke my inner cheek with my tongue and I can feel the hotness around my coller too much, i clutch my thighs together at the thought.

It was just a wink but his hotness that is not something humanly but godly or heavenly, i can feel his teaseing stares from time to time, I was not focused anymore first this kid beside me and now this inhuman man.

I know short and boring but you know, I will try my best to write asap without any further delay,..... love you all for support!!❤️❤️

If you read till here thank you very much!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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