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Chapter 1


I can no longer remember the time when I started dreaming of him. In truth, sometimes I wonder if I ever dream of anything else. These dreams are always the same, and yet, each one holds its own magic.

I feel my body brushing against the blue roses as I make my way to the ruins. I inhale deeply, sensing his presence without even looking for him. The sky, a royal blue, adorned with stars too golden to be real, stretches infinitely above my head. As in every dream, I am always too captivated not to linger for a few seconds. The roses, the same color as the sky, blend in a marvelous landscape. I could live in this illusion. If it weren't for him.

Sometimes, he isn't there, and I enjoy my dreams in my field of roses, under my starry sky, lulled by the sound of distant waves and a late-summer breeze. But tonight, I sense his presence. He is here. I sigh, exasperated, not dwelling on my heart that seems to race on its own. I know he's waiting for me because, after all, it's my dream.

Entering the heart of the ruins, I catch sight of him. As usual, he is dressed entirely in black, his almond-shaped eyes closed, and his jet-black hair swaying in the wind. His long body is stretched out at my favorite spot, on a long stone polished by the passage of time, just above the open orb at the top of the ruins, offering a perfect view of the moon. I clear my throat, but he remains motionless; his mocking smile is the only indicator that he isn't asleep.

"How many times must I remind you that it's impolite to invade someone else's dreams?" He sighs, keeping his eyes closed. "How can I resist lingering indefinitely in yours when the time there is so sweet?"

Finally, he straightens up, and his eyes open at last, wickedly fixated on me. He has always frightened me, and despite all my assumptions that his existence is a mere invention of my mind, when his eyes delve into mine, I can't help but think that I could never invent a gaze like his on my own.

His irises reflect the sea before a storm. An indescribable, inhuman blue. The center of his irises is darker than the royal blue of the roses, and yet, within them, there lies a lighter circle than the azure of their thorns. It's an indecipherable gaze, filled with storms and dangers. Unlike my twin sister's adventurous spirit, I distrust danger, him. I turn away from him, ready to venture into my field of roses, leaving him to roam my ruins for the night. I feel his gaze caress my back.

"There exist two twin flames—" he begins, and I abruptly stop, a shiver running down my neck. I sense him approaching me as he whispers, "destined to burn." He is close. He has never allowed himself to come this close to me before. "burn," he repeats once again. "burn." I don't turn around, but I don't move forward either. I already know the rest of this legend, and yet, I hang onto his words, and he knows it. "with hatred and passion," he murmurs, his cold breath against my ear.

"until causing their own destructions," I finish in his place, my voice almost stuck in the back of my throat, trembling.

For a moment, nothing happens. Then, he finally whispers in a reptilian hiss, "I hope you're in a playful mood because it seems the game is about to begin."

I jolt awake and sit up abruptly, pushing the covers away from my body despite the shivers that run through me. Another dream, again him.

Tormented, I light the candle on my bedside table, revealing the face of my sister in the nearby bed, still lost in the world of dreams. Lucky her. My hand hits something hard, and I understand why my dream ended this way. The edition of the Tales from the World of Chance, I fell asleep reading the legend of twin flames.

This story is the most abstract in the collection, and yet, it has always terrified me. Unlike my sister, the rest of my family, and the beliefs of the Rose Brotherhood and the majority of the villagers, I stopped believing in fairy tales. And yet.

The poetry of twin flames still touches me just as much, after all these years. In moments of weakness, I grab my sister's edition and reread, over and over again, the damnation of two soulmates destined to love each other until hatred, burning everything in their path, until causing their own losses.

It is thanks to this legend that I have never trusted my own feelings. Besides the fact that the men in the village don't interest me, love is a concept that frightens me. And the love of my sister is enough for me. I linger on her sleeping features and her red curls framing her marble-like face, marked by freckles. Her appearance reflects her personality, brimming with dreams, curiosity. An insatiable fire of action and danger.

She is my complete opposite. Apart from the physical aspect of our differences, with my black hair and blue eyes, I don't like putting myself in unnecessary danger. Where the world of science and logic is more familiar to me than that of magic, the legends of Chance have obsessed her since childhood. She attracts attention, friends, and lovers, and I watch over her from afar, not hesitating to remind her when she gets lost in the attention she receives.

She is the sun,

I am the moon.


Hello, i know its bad and the worst thing in the entire world to start with a dream but i never really understood why. i like it like that and i hope you'll give this story a chance

bye bye 🐝


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