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Chapter 6


The world of Chance has nothing to do with the description given by our storybook. The moonless night feels artificial. Nothing appears real in this place. Lamp posts, reflecting the same color as the stars, illuminate the broken cobblestones of the path that Killian and I have been walking on for a good twenty minutes.

Around us, the corpses of what once seemed to be trees block the view of what lies beyond the path. Without thinking, I try to approach them, but Killian's arm grabs my elbow, pulling me back to his side. "That's a bad idea," he whispers.

"Why? Has there been a recent fire?" I can't help but notice what looks like ashes on the ground.

"Something like that." He evades the question, much like my sister usually does.

"What do you mean?" I press him for details, but he remains silent, increasing the pace of our steps.

"It's dangerous to linger around here when night falls. That's all you need to know." His response is curt, and I look around us, quickening my pace as well, as fear suddenly creeps into my mind.

"Where are we going?" I murmur in a lower voice, afraid of attracting danger towards us. My behavior doesn't go unnoticed, and I feel him silently chuckling behind me. "To rest for tomorrow."

He still doesn't answer the question.


"You're naturally impatient, aren't you?" he jokes, while I sigh, exasperated. I've had enough mystery for tonight, and I abruptly slow down before turning towards him.

"You need my help," I declare, imitating my sister's courage. He raises an eyebrow, surprised by my reaction, but I continue before he can respond. "This is a game, organized for my kidnapped sister. I have to save her, and I'm the one who knows her best in the world. This world loves riddles and g-" I pause for a moment, realizing how easily this forbidden vocabulary comes to me. I brush off that thought and continue, "And games. Without me, you may not be able to solve certain questions." He remains silent, but I can read something in his eyes. Interest, mischief, and danger.

But in this moment, I'm not afraid. I convince myself that I'm not afraid. I take control of the situation and extend my hand towards him, stating, "Let's team up. I help you solve the riddles, and you help me stay alive and answer my questions."

He doesn't respond for a moment, staring intensely into my eyes. Then, he gently takes my hand in his, gripping it. "I already have a team. We're actually going to meet them." A ball of anxiety forms in my stomach, but I pretend as if nothing is wrong, waiting for him to continue. "And it's my lucky day," he repeats once again, "because I've found the missing piece to it."

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