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Chapter 18


I am back, for the second time now, in the flames. The heat tickles my skin but does not burn me. I see, once again, the two boys pulling my sister and me out of the inferno, and I approach without hesitation to confirm my theory.

The one with jet-black hair is much younger, but there is no doubt about his identity. The King of Spades has known me since childhood? Why save me? He grabs my sister's hand and pulls her towards the darkness of the forest. A forest with black branches, devoid of leaves. I turn towards the burning building and realize its immense size.

The details of the dream are more vivid than the first time. The child tugging at my arm has blond hair, tinged with pink, and a fox-like demeanor, with piercing eyes the same color as his golden locks. Eyes as sharp and inhuman as the King's. A prince. I murmur to myself.

I sense his presence behind me and don't bother turning around to ask him, "Why help me?" He doesn't move, and for a moment, I wonder if he is surprised that I can sense his presence, but he eventually chuckles, and I turn towards him, letting the children run towards the darkness. He says nothing. I notice that he is dressed only in an open white shirt, and the flames illuminate his marble-like chest. I can imagine the coldness of his skin without even touching it, leaving chills running down my spine, as magnetic as thunder. Unlike the warmth of Killian's embrace.

I raise my palm towards him, showing him my scar. "We have the same scar, why?" He smiles and raises his hand in return. "You're missing so many memories." His hand is massive, and I notice that when his shirt falls, his arms are covered in similar scars, even paler than his complexion.

He lets his arm fall by his side, and something in that gesture echoes a buried memory, even though I have no idea which one. "I am utterly lost," I whisper, speaking more to myself than to him. He slowly leans against a stone, moving like a feline, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Tomorrow will be the final trial, Alice, but it's not the only danger you should beware of." I can't help the mocking smile that forms on my lips as I roll my eyes. "Yes, the greatest one stands before me." He laughs at my response, a familiar laugh, though slightly muffled, as if he's trying to keep it to himself. "You have no idea what awaits you, Alice." I cross my arms over my chest, glaring at him from head to toe. "And you plan to protect me, gain my trust, and use me for twisted and political purposes that completely elude me."

A spark of defiance illuminates his eyes, and he straightens up, running a hand through his hair. "I am hurt by the lack of esteem you have for me, love." I raise an eyebrow, not hiding my exasperation, and he continues, "And I know you well enough to know that you don't need to be protected or saved." He approaches me so quickly that I barely have time to push him away.

"Alice, you are extraordinary." Something in his tone, in his gaze catches me off guard, and I recall our previous conversation. "My abilities, you mentioned what I was capable of." He nods, a mischievous expression shaping his features.

"The day you finally realize what you are capable of, love , you will be invincible."

i can't think straight for a second before placing two hands on his chest and shoving him away from me. i pretend to ignore the burning feeling of his icy skin against my palms. He suddenly turns away from me, and I watch his back disappear into the heart of the forest. "And on that day, you will come to me on your own."

"Dreams keep us alive," I murmur softly, making sure he can no longer hear me. Unfortunately, his distant laughter confirms that he caught my sarcasm.

A moment later, I realize that I am alone, finally alone in my dream. As I turn towards the castle engulfed in flames, it disappears, and I am now transported into a magnificent hall. The golden embellishments on the emerald-green walls are breathtaking. But the most impressive sight is the attire of the dancers twirling around me. Enchanting music floats in the air, and I am breathless when a couple appears on the balcony across from me. The woman, with fiery red hair, wears a stunning gown in the most beautiful shade of green I have ever seen. She bears a striking resemblance to Isabella, a few years older and with a wiser demeanor. Her companion holds her tenderly by the hips, and my attention is drawn to the delicate golden crown adorning his graying black hair. His eyes are a dark grayish-blue, and I am breathless when I notice the resemblance to my own features. No, it's impossible. It's impossible.

Two little girls run down the long marble staircase towards the ballroom where I am standing, and I make my way, almost running, through the bodies of the dancers. Isabella's red locks appear in front of me, and just as I am about to grasp her hand, she runs further ahead. She is just a child, no older than eight, and I watch her run towards her sister. Towards me. She throws herself into her arms, into my arms, and pulls her to dance with a group of children of the same age.

It's just a dream. A memory. No, no, it's impossible.

I struggle to breathe, my heart seeming to shrink in my chest, and my breath becomes erratic. I catch sight of the King of Hearts, or rather his childlike counterpart, with a wide smile on his face, approaching my younger self and slipping a blue flower behind her ear.

It's too much for me, my body trembling so much that I can barely stand. All I can do is cry, between sobs, towards my younger self and my sister, "Stay away from her !" I reach out my hand towards them, but they don't hear me. "Look at me! I'm right here."

The pain in my heart is almost nauseating.

"Isabella!" I scream at the top of my lungs as the ground beneath me opens up into a dark abyss, and I fall into the depths of darkness.


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