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If the world of Chance was once terrifying and magnificent at the same time, nothing can compare to the atmosphere emanating from the Forest of the Banished

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If the world of Chance was once terrifying and magnificent at the same time, nothing can compare to the atmosphere emanating from the Forest of the Banished. A blue aura emanates from the vegetation, creating a mystical mist that envelops me in a chilly softness. The branches of the trees twist into pointed shapes. The cat awaits me, sitting on a stone covered with black moss that glows with a pale blue hue around him. His posture is elegant, and he seems to judge me from his stone throne. I lean down to pick up a sharp stone from the ground and proceed to tear the bottom of my dress and the petticoats that hinder my movement.

The forest stretches as far as the eye can see, wild and impenetrable. No path guides my steps; only the sovereign nature decides which way to go. However, this nature is skeletal. The trees are black, devoid of leaves and any trace of life. The scenery is more funereal than sylvan. I place my hand on the bark of a tree and realize that it is dying. Its sadness, pain, and anger are palpable. I press my forehead against the withered bark and whisper as a promise, "I will uncover what is happening here." I close my eyes to calm my emotions.

Strangely, I am no longer afraid. I have let fear dictate my actions for too long. I think back to my sister, to her fascination with this world. I should have seen the signs. I have the bitter feeling of having lost a game whose existence I was unaware of. I have been a pawn in a cruel game where everyone knew the rules except me. I will find the answers to my questions.

I will regain control of the game. And I will seek revenge. Not for my sister, not for the horrors of this world, but for myself.

My desire has changed once again, and this time, I will not be afraid to be selfish.

My heart quickens as, in the distance, through the mist, he finally appears.

This time, it is not one of my dreams, and he stands before me. His royal blue cape covers his signature black attire. His silver crown proudly rests on his head, and a sly smile stretches his lips.

The King of destruction and chaos stands just a few steps away from me, inviting me to take his hand in mine.

And this time, I am not afraid to seize it.

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