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Chapter 21


The unbearable screams we hear in the distance confirm that the rabbits are far ahead, and we cautiously move in the opposite direction. Our steps are almost inaudible, and no one speaks. I clutch my weapon against me, and Killian positions himself in front of me.

After several minutes of walking, we finally reach the edge of the forest, and a sandy path stretches towards what appears to be the cliffs indicated on the map. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Philippe whispers, and I nod. "The path is infested with rabbits, we won't make it out of here alive. The only way is to win." Killian nods, and we continue our journey into the woods. Although I'm certain we're on the right path, a growing unease grips me. It's all too easy.

Suddenly, Killian's hand covers my mouth and pulls me behind a tree. He signals for me to stay quiet and points out the object of his concern. About a dozen rabbits, similar to those chasing the players, are seated at a long white wooden table. They seem to be having tea. However, none of them move. The white wooden table is covered with porcelain cups and cakes that, despite their appetizing appearance, are crawling with flies and larvae. The smell is unbearable. I turn my gaze towards the end of the path and catch sight of something red floating in the air. I turn my head towards my companions and show them the flag.

We pass the table of horror in silence, ensuring not to make a sound. There are ten of them, and we are only three. The flag is about thirty meters away from us, but they move so quickly that any noise will alert them, and they will catch up to us before we reach our goal. I try to control my breathing and heartbeats to avoid giving any indication of our presence.

The forest seems dead, not a branch moves, even the rays of light are completely still. Our steps are so slow that the flag seems out of reach. I am impatient, but I maintain control. The rabbits are deadly, the slightest mistake is fatal.

I tremble, hands sweaty when the flag is just a few meters away from me. I'm almost there, Just a few more steps, Soon, Only three more steps and...

A branch cracks behind me, and I turn around just in time to narrowly dodge the blade of the axe, grazing the top of my head.

I roll on the ground, and the rabbit's head falls next to me. Killian lifts me abruptly and throws me towards the flag, fighting off a rabbit rushing towards us. I look up at Philippe, struggling to fend off four of these creatures.

He beheads two of them, but the other two are fierce, evading his strikes. Four more rabbits charge at Killian, who shouts at me to grab the flag. I sprint towards it, but claws lacerate my ankle, causing me to fall to the ground in pain.

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