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Chapter 25


"Over here!" he says, grabbing my hand. I let him lead me through the maze of blazing corridors. My dress is torn, and my eyes are filled with tears that I can't hold back. A loud noise makes us fall backward, and I hear our names being called ahead of us. He doesn't let go of my hand, pulling me to the right. I struggle to breathe, but as we pass by a room, I catch sight of my sister's red hair. I tug on his hand, begging him to slow down. "My sister," I say. He nods and pulls me into the room. Rowan releases my hand to rush toward his cousin, and my sister approaches me, enveloping me in an embrace. "Mom, Dad," I plead, unable to contain the terror that consumes my heart.

Icaris and Rowan strive to break the window, causing a rush of flames that we narrowly avoid. My sister and I are thrown to the ground, and I hold her frail hand tightly against me. For a moment, we remain motionless, watching the chaos around us, the distant screams barely reaching our ears.

Suddenly, I'm torn away from my sister, and a hand grabs mine, pulling me away from the smoke and embers. The blond hair of my savior is tinted pink by the glow of the flames, and their rose quartz eyes plead for me to stay by their side. The four of us cling to the window railing, gazing down at the ground below. "I'm scared," echoes my childlike voice in my head without me being able to open my mouth to speak. I feel Rowan's hand brush against the one Icaris isn't holding. He holds my sister on the other side, and his calm voice reaches me clearly despite the surrounding chaos. "Together," he says.

We respond in unison before taking flight.

My head is on fire; I burn from within. I feel my entire body consumed by a flood of memories. I am surrounded by darkness. I remember, I remember, Rowan.

Rowan pulls me towards him, and we run relentlessly through the blazing woods. "Adelia!" I turn at the call of my name, and my sister does the same as our Granny rushes toward us. "Isadora." Letting go of my friend's hand, I throw myself into her arms. "My darlings, my jewels, I found you. I was so afraid," she whispers into my hair before taking our hands. She then turns to the princes and tells them, "Everything will be alright. I will take care of them." Rowan seems about to protest, but he refrains when cries are heard. "Quick, go, my boys, before they find you with them," Granny adds, gently pushing us in the opposite direction.

They nod, and before they start running, my friend approaches me and whispers in my ear, "I will find a way to find you," he tightens his grip on my hand, "I promise." The next moment, he and Icaris have disappeared, and Granny leads us into the darkness of the forest.

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