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Chapter 10


The raven's eyes fixate on me from the top of the wall. We have been walking in silence for over an hour, alert to any sound. But the raven still seems to be following us. The sound of our footsteps on the old stones is the only sound we hear as we cautiously move forward. The path ahead is straight, and I try not to think about the fact that in case of an attack, there is no way out. With that thought, I feel like the walls are closing in on us. I tighten my grip on the satchel and catch the gaze Élise throws my way. After all, it belongs to her. I expect her to say something or make a move to retrieve it, but she says nothing and looks away. Does she know that I also have her dagger?

To everyone's eyes, I am unarmed, just a fragile young girl from the mainland who got lost here. So it's safer for me to keep this information to myself.

Out of reflex and to calm myself, I trace the line of the faint scar on my left hand with my index finger. Isabella and I have the same scar. By doing this, I feel like she is with me. Killian seems to notice my nervousness as he approaches me. "Don't worry, I promised to protect you," he says. I remember the pact we made yesterday, his hand in mine, the strange sensation of entering into a dangerous pact. But I nod. I don't yet know the value of his word, but in this moment, looking into his green eyes, looking at Xavier in front of me, I allow myself to grant him a bit of trust and relax a little.

He hands me his water flask after taking a sip himself, and I accept it, swallowing a mouthful of cool water. "Thank you." "You're welcome, my dear" his mocking smile returns, and I can't help but roll my eyes. Smooth talker.

"Is it still far?" Xavier complains, dragging his feet. It's true that the path seems endless, but Philippe is confident as he replies, "No, we're on the right path."

I plunge my gaze back into that of the raven, which tirelessly rests on the wall beside us.

The grayish sky doesn't bode well. The summer breeze has become heavy, a harbinger of a storm. I don't see the sun. There was no moon last night either. This world is strange. Where does the light of the night and the light of the day come from without the moon and the sun?

We continue to move forward in silence. My foot stumbles on a stone jutting out of the ground, and Killian's arms catch me before I even realize I was about to fall. Was he watching me? I glance at him sideways as he releases my elbow from his grasp. The touch of his fingers on my skin leaves an electric trail that I brush away with a breath. It must be the adrenaline that makes me so aware of my body. Of its sensations. Of its sensations with Killian.

I have danced with men before, received hand kisses, but I have never been so aware of their sensations on my skin. I need to regain control. There will be only one winner. I am merely a means to achieve victory; I must make him the reason for my victory. This is not a game, no matter what form it takes. It is about my survival and that of my sister.

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