Chapter 10

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"What would happen if we met in real life?"

"... Maybe don't ask those kinds of questions when I just woke up?"

Two weeks had passed since we first 'lived' together. I checked the clock, showing the usual time of seven in the morning. I brought my eyes from the bedside table where my phone sat up to the ceiling, my vision landed on a set of eyes before me, her cedar brown eyes looking back at me with a grin on her face.

"Is that a question you're supposed to ask with that kind of expression?"

"Is something wrong?"

"You look like a scammer trying to scam me."

"With the question, I mean."

"Yeah, that too."

She pulled her body back, allowing myself to sit upright. I turned around, facing my bed's upper end. My bed didn't have a headboard, so what extended beyond the mattress were hard cold walls. Half of Emily's body was hidden behind it, but her face appeared from behind.

"Do you even have empty space behind there?"

She would occasionally wake me up that way.

"I pushed the bed forward."

"You're willing to go that far?"

She tilted her head.

"I need some space to adjust my position, remember? Besides, it's not like I push it into another room or something."

Emily said and circled around. As usual, she already wore her outdoor clothes, ready for yet another day at college.

"So, what do you think will happen if we met in real life?"

She asked as sat down beside me.

"Why are you asking?"

"Come on, just answer."

She said while elbowing me playfully. Questions like these tend to be filled with hidden meaning, her rather sparkling expression not helping in deciphering them. I crossed my arms and turned the other way.

"Not answering until you tell me your reasons."

"Urgh, fine... I'm returning home next weekend for my sister's wedding."


I had played at Emily's home a few years ago. If I wasn't mistaken, she had a sister that at the time worked as an intern at a large company. It had been a few years since then, time sure passed by quickly.

"... Isn't there a better way to say that you simply want to meet me?"

"You're so full of yourself. Now come on, go and get changed."

She pushed me onto my feet.

"Well, I wouldn't be Simon if I'm not full of Simon, would I?"

"Stop making dad jokes, you don't even have a girlfriend."


She stood up and pushed me toward the wall beside my bedside table, sandwiched between it and the wardrobe. I decided to not do anything and let myself stop at the wall. She tilted her head, looking forward, but she couldn't see the obstacle standing in my way.


"You're pushing me in the wrong direction."

"Ah, of course! My bad."

She let go of me and stepped aside. She watched as I passed her, before turning and looking away. I really appreciate how considerate she had been so far.

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