Epilogue: A Few Years Later

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"Good morning."

A cheerful voice filled my ears. I struggled to open my eyes, my eyelids felt heavier than a rock. A face I recognized stood right of me, her cedar brown eyes watching me. I stretched my limbs, careful to not hit her.


I pulled myself out of bed.

"Last night was rough, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, if we weren't running low on budget, we could afford to extend the day. But no, I needed to finish it yesterday. Oh well."

I shrugged.

"The results turn out as I expected them to be, that's all that matters."

"Well, you can take it slowly today. Want something to eat, or want to continue sleeping?"

I didn't see a point to continue sleeping when I had already woken up. Besides, it wouldn't take long for this sleepiness to dissipate. I also have a promise I need to fulfill.

"I promised to take you to that movie, remember?"

I said as I made my way to our dining room.

"What's the point of movies when you're asleep in there?"

Well, I watched a lot of movies, so when one was boring, it would be natural for me to fall asleep. This wasn't the case for the movie I planned on taking my wife to, though. I had read many positive reviews on the internet, and I enjoyed the first movie of this series, and considering the crew that worked on it, I felt confident about its quality.

"I made an omelet for breakfast, just the way you liked it."

She said as she sat down and opened the food cover, revealing the appetizing-looking food hidden below.

"This looks great."

"Thank you."

As we had breakfast together, we talked about the plans for the day. Unfortunately, Emily had a business meeting in the afternoon. Usually, she let her sister handle these kinds of things, but her sister had something important to do later, so Emily would be taking her place. Emily, normally, oversees anything related to IT and computers in the company and dabbles less in the marketing side. But, considering her expertise, it was not unnatural to see her replace her sister on some occasions like this.

"We can continue our date after that, though."

"Let's just hope it won't take too long."

After finishing our breakfast, I headed for the bathroom to wash myself and prepare. Emily, being Emily, was already ready.

Within half an hour, we were ready to go. I locked the fence behind me while looking at the house that became my home for the last year. I turned around and entered the car. I pulled the seatbelt, locking it in place.

"Let's go."

I said to Emily. Emily pulled out a power bank from her bag and plugged it into the car's charger.


I made sure the power bank was charging. After making sure that everything was alright, I put my feet on the gas and we headed off.


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