Chapter 16

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Things went as expected after that. Both of our families were accommodating with the condition we were in, and allowed us to move around easier. After a good night's sleep, morning came. As usual, Emily woke up before me. She even went as far as to wake me up...

By pushing me off the bed right in front of the eyes of my parents. My parents already knew and believed about our condition, so what she did was entirely unnecessary. Her actions did cause me to be wide awake, so I guess it had its merits, although I would prefer not to be woken up that way ever again. We went through our morning preparations and had breakfast together. Everything went back to normal, as if last night didn't exist.

Then again, it wasn't like we actually discussed anything important last night. I decided that there was nothing to be thought of. I put all of last night's events into a folder I called 'filler', a place for events where nothing happened and things that existed without a reason, and forget about it. I focused my mind on getting through today. I need to last till the afternoon, until we see Emily off.

"Good to go?"

Me and my family didn't have much stuff when we stayed in the hotel. My parents just arrived yesterday, and I myself didn't carry much, so we spent far less time packing. The same couldn't be said for Emily. I asked to make sure that she didn't leave anything.

"Nope. Everything's good to go."

She said as she carried a bag. I went to her and took the bag from her.


"No problem."

I brought the bag to Emily's family car. Emily's father assisted me in loading it into the trunk. We headed out to have a little outing, along with Olivia's husband and his family.

It soon came time to head back. I parted ways with my family and tagged along with Emily's for a ride to the airport.

While they were having their emotional parting moment, I just stood there, knowing well that I would see her again, as in, right after this. After some exchange of words, Emily waved to us, her suitcase in her hand, and went inside. It would be weird if we started talking in public, so I messaged her on Fine after she disappeared and reappeared beside me.

We waited for her flight to depart before leaving the airport. Emily's family invited me to pick up a snack, so I went with them. As I was eating my burger, I felt a tap on my shoulder that came from Emily.

"I'm boarding."

She whispered. Since no one other than her family was close to me, I replied with my voice.

"Stay safe."

I let out a little prayer in my heart for her protection. She smiled and boarded the plane. I saw her foot move as she went higher up the staircase. From my view, she wasn't getting any higher. Her feet floated in the air before going back down, making it look like she was pretending to climb. She held onto her belt bag as she moved, her hands no longer holding her suitcase. She made her way to her seat and sat down.

Upon finishing our meal, we made our way back to the terminal. The domestic terminal had a waving gallery, a place above the terminal where we had a limited view of flight operations. We saw Emily's aircraft. The second it came into view, Emily disappeared from beside me, meaning that she could see me from her seat. The plane's door was closed and it was pushed back out of the terminal. Emily had turned on the flight mode from her phone, so my recent Fine message didn't go through. We waved toward her, hoping that she could see us. She may be too far for us to see her, though. Despite that, I felt sure that she was looking our way. The plane's rear turned to face us, and the engines were turned on.

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