Chapter 14

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We finished our meal and headed back. We then parted ways, technically, since whenever I couldn't see Emily, I knew she was around me somewhere. We never truly parted ways, in a sense, although both of us were adjusting to it.

It was still too early for me to prepare, but Emily's family had started preparations. Emily assisted them, so I stayed in my room, careful to not block her path. I ended up moving around quite a bit, following in her movements, dodging her line of sight. I stood as far as I could. Had Emily's family known about the entire ordeal, I would probably be there, making it easier for all of them to move around. As long as I kept Emily in my line of sight, she could move freely without needing to mind my position. We would be in the same room and this entire issue wouldn't exist.

Unfortunately, it was unlikely that Emily's family would trust us that far. I wasn't keen on stirring up trouble on a big day like this, either, so I remained silent.

"Huh, yeah?"

Emily suddenly asked.

"I'm fine, though."

I guess her family must have caught on to how little she talked, or maybe in the weirdness of her actions. When you spend a good portion of your life with someone, you would notice these kinds of changes easily, especially since she changed after spending some time away from her family. It was only a matter of time before they asked her about it.

She glanced at me, but I could only shrug. I wasn't in the room with her, so I couldn't provide any explanation whatsoever. She then turned her head back toward whoever asked her the question in the first place. She looked startled all of a sudden.

"Really, it's nothing."

She said while waving her hand. I noticed that I was missing a lot of contexts, so it may just be me hearing things, but I wondered if I should help her. I couldn't really do anything, though. I could probably go up to her room and knock and borrow her, but I thought that it would be unhelpful. It wouldn't end the situation we were in, nor would it explain anything.

"Just talk normally."

I said while pretending to plug my earphones into my head. I didn't actually hold any earphones, and even if I did, turning them on wouldn't make any difference. We would still be able to hear each other as if we stood side by side. I hoped that Emily had forgotten about that, though, and talked normally to help clear things out.

She glanced my way, limiting her eye movements, letting them move only slightly. She wouldn't want to do anything that would risk her position, and I didn't need a reply either, so I just shook my head.

"Don't worry about me."

Emily let out a firm nod and looked back toward whoever she was talking with. She blinked, her eyes seeming more clear than before.

"Mom, Dad, Sis."

She called out to her family member. I turned around and made my way to the bed, pretending to distance myself as far as I possibly could.

"There's something I need to tell you."

I wonder what it is...

I thought of closing my eyes and getting some rest. I should trust Emily's ability in dealing with this situation. I knew how capable she is, and it wasn't like I could be of any help. I couldn't think of any way to get out of this situation without getting myself involved, which was something undesirable.

Thoughts on how to explain our situation occupied my mind, not that I'm planning to say them out loud, but my thoughts couldn't prepare me for the things I heard next.

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