Chapter 18

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After my midterms, it was Emily's turn to face her midterms. I, meanwhile, returned to my usual day-to-day activities. I didn't want to disturb her studying, so I stayed at home and didn't move around much. I kept my body behind her, letting her concentrate on her tasks. As I watched her study from behind, I couldn't help but wonder how long we need to stay like this.

It was almost two months at this point, and if we followed the same timespan as Emily's parents, it would be another ten months before we got released. That all under the assumption that by that point, we knew what we wanted and we gained that thing. I was still clueless about what I wanted. Ten months seemed like a long time if you looked at it from your current point, but as time went on, and as we got used to our life with each other, we would eventually forget about it.

If we didn't actively think about this issue, we would end up forgetting about it, and just like that, an entire year would be lost. We would then think about it again, but after some more time passed, we would forget again. The cycle would repeat, and we would be stuck together forever. It wasn't something I wanted, and surely Emily didn't want it either. But, at the same time, thinking about it didn't improve anything.

I'm still clueless, just like how I was two months ago.

Two months had passed, Emily and I had gotten used to each other, and we ended up forgetting the fact that we were kilometers apart. It had become the norm for us. What would our 'normal' be like after another month? How about another year? Would it get to the point where our lives were so linked to each other that we didn't want to part ways? When that happened, would the Torii gate reappear?

I had so many questions. Emily, meanwhile, was filling her own questions, albeit of a different kind. Science wasn't my forte, so I didn't say anything. I couldn't help even if I wanted to. As I tossed myself around the bed out of boredom, all while trying to not make a sound, I received a notification. I opened my phone and checked its sender. It was Caleb. Our gaming frequencies had gone down drastically from me not wanting to bother Emily.

I used the excuse of having tasks to dodge his invitations, but I couldn't use those excuses when vacation arrived.

"Yo, Simon, can you grab me a drink?"

Emily suddenly called out my name. I hesitated for a moment. I knew that we were kilometers apart, but what I wondered about was whether she knew that or not. Did she forget, or was she teasing me?

Not hearing my answer, she looked behind.

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that."

She apologized, which probably meant she had forgotten. She got up and made her way toward her kitchen. I could see her movements as she took some water from her dispenser.

"How are the exams going?"

I asked despite knowing the answer. Even now, Emily spent time filling in practice questions and only took a rest for water. I trust that it would all be alright.

"I was just thinking about this, actually."

I said. Emily raised her eyebrow and approached me. She sat down on the edge of the bed.

"About this phenomenon?"

"Yeah. I was thinking about how fast the last two months passed."

"You're right... Also, isn't it a bit funny how we always call this phenomenon, phenomenon?"

I was surprised when I heard her question. I never once thought about that subject. To be fair, what I called this entire ordeal did not matter. It wouldn't change a thing.

"Not really, at least I don't think so."

"Ah, you're no fun."

Emily pushed me lightly and stood back up. She returned her cup and went back to the desk. Keeping my thoughts to myself, I let her continue studying.

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