Chapter 14: Return to Portum Ingressum

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At the waterfront, Banner, Spider-Man, and Optimus were talking with the citizens and answering questions. Storm was more socially awkward and spent most of the time looking at the soldier in the coffin. Then, their new helicopter arrived and landed on the same spot where Beetle Bailey landed earlier. Harry opened the door-ramp and exited along with E.T., Woody, and Popeye. Harry walked up to the rest of the Univengers.

"Woody and Popeye are going to join us," he informed. Dudley Do-Right heard Harry's announcement to the group. He contemplated joining them but he was a Canadian Mountie by heart and leaving his home wouldn't sit right with him. "We should go to Portum Ingressum so we know what to do with the coffined soldier."

"Agreed," said Spider-Man. He turned to Storm. "You coming, Storm?" Storm paused. For the first time since she was six years old, she was treated like a friend. She nodded and smiled.

"This day keeps getting more and more exciting," said Woody as he pulled out a large soapbox from his invisible cartoon pocket and dropped it on the ground. He stood on it and spoke to the townspeople. "Citizens of Toon Lagoon, Popeye and..." He turned to Storm. "What's your name?"

"Storm" Woody turned back to the crowd.

"Storm and I are about to join the Univengers on a daring quest to save their friend, Letty, and defeat the evil..." He turned to the Univengers. "What's the guy's name?"

"Doctor Doom," they said in unison.

"Doctor Doom! Farewell, folks, for Popeye and I will be moving on from the funny business to the hero business!" Woody struck a "ta-da" pose (see the poster of this story). The crowd was silent, but some blinks made audible clinks. Woody drooped his arms down and sighed in disappointment. He immediately went back to his "ta-da" pose and smiling face. "We're gonna raise publicity for the island and strengthen our tourism business!" The crowd erupted into cheers and applause like in the ending of Babe. Some threw hats in their air while others threw roses toward the group. E.T. caught one and thought it smelled divine. Woody waved to the citizens and stepped off his soapbox.

"Thanks for the door," Optimus said. "Are you all ready to go?"

"Yep, I think we are," said Woody. He went to the ramp to walk inside the helicopter and waved to the still cheering citizens. "That's all folks!" He let out his trademark laugh. Popeye walked in after Woody followed by Spider-Man and Banner. Harry and E.T. walked in while levitating the coffin and Storm followed after. The wizard and the alien placed the coffin down on the floor and Harry tied it down like earlier in the uni-jet . Optimus was the last to enter. Banner noticed the switch box and pulled the lever up to close the ramp now that everyone was inside. Once the door closed, bright green lights on the ceiling turned on. In the cockpit, Popeye sat in the pilot's seat and Woody sat on the co-pilot's seat. Harry stood at the end of the cockpit, observing how Popeye and Woody operated the controls. "Hey guys," Woody called out to everyone. "I got a cool name for this helicopter. The tooncopter!" The named-just-now tooncopter lifted off the ground and the citizens waved goodbye.
As the Univengers departed Toon Lagoon, Popeye asked, "So, where are we's goin'?" Peter took off his mask and walked into the cockpit.

"I'll put in the coordinates," Harry said as he walked to the control panel. Spider-Man took off his mask.

"I think we should all think about where we are now compared to two days ago," he said. Popeye and Woody were surprised to see Peter Parker wearing a Spider-Man costume, considering that they hadn't seen him since yesterday. Then, they came to the realization.

"Oh!", exclaimed Woody. "What a plot twist! We were talking to Spider-Man and Peter Parker the entire time." Woody and Popeye laughed. Peter and Harry chuckled.

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