"Stop in the name of American squeamishness," called a voice from a bullhorn. That voice belonged to Chief Clancy Wiggum of the Springfield Police Department. He had blue hair, a round shape to his body, and was always down for coffee and donuts. Wiggum was on the ground of the roller coaster area with five other police officers, pointing their guns at Von Doom's group and the Univengers. Along with them was Herschel Shmoikel Pinchas Yerucham Krustofsky a.k.a Krusty The Clown. The clown had his arms crossed at these intruders in his park.
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"Officers," said Von Doom. "Thank God you're here. And Krusty, if I'm not mistaken, 'tis an honor to meet the face of this wonderful establishment."
"Save the pleasantries," Krusty said as Von Doom hovered down to the ground. "Those aren't gonna save your liable, metal ass." The clown pulled out a pack of Laramie cigarettes out of his right pocket. He took a cig out and put his other hand into his left pocket.
"Damn it, I forgot my lighter," Krusty complained. Von Doom did a thumbs-up with a tiny flame coming out of his thumb. Krusty lit the cig with the flame. "Thanks."
"I've detained four of the Univengers," said Von Doom. "They were apparently planning a terrorist attack in this very theme park. Disgraceful." Krusty's eyes widened. He turned his attention to the four Univengers.
"What the hell do you punks think you're doing, scaring away my customers?" he scolded. "Especially you." He pointed to E.T. "What are you supposed to be? A mobile turd?" E.T. looked offended.
"Be good," he said.
"Well, why don't you 'be good' at listening and get down from there?", Krusty growled with his chain-smoking voice.
"I thought clowns were supposed to be funny," said Spider-Man. "You're just making me sad. It seems smoking is doing the most harm to your act."
"Can it, pajama man," said Krusty.
"My cohorts and I came here as fast as we could to stop them," Von Doom told Wiggum. "I apologize for the damage. No doubt they were insistent on carrying out their act."
"Well, you saved us a hassle," said Chief Wiggum. "Springfield thanks you for your service."
"Naturally," said Von Doom.
"Actions speak louder than words," the clown said to the doctor. "But talk is cheap."
Von Doom pulled open a layer on his left arm and he pushed a button. A yellow, holographic square appeared above his arm. Eight zeros were in this square. Von Doom scrolled up on the first zero to a one. He quickly scrolled under the numbers and the digits swooped up out of sight. "$10 million has been sent to your bank account." Krusty smiled.
"Hey, hey!," Krusty cheered. "That was 20 times more than this coaster cost to build." Von Doom shook hands with Krusty and Chief Wiggum.
"Victor Von Doom, at your service. The perpetrators are all yours."