4. Advice For Anonymous

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6 PM

You were in your room laying on your bed as you watched on the TV The Exorcist that was edited for television. The telephone then rang and you sat up to answer it. "Hello?" "Hello, Y/n" "hi, who's this?" "That's something you'll have to earn by talking to me" "oh, okay then..what do you wanna talk about?" "What do you have in mind?" You just raised an eyebrow. Is this dude serious? You started looking around your room and found your horror movie pile. "Movies?" He chuckled. "Not a bad topic" they replied.

With Billy

He stood behind the tree that was in your yard as he watched you from there. He stared at you from the window as he used the voice box. The ghost costume was at Stu's house, he was gonna put it on later as he heads to Casey's house. He called you as a goal for advice on how to be a good mindetted killer without barely getting caught. He saw the 2 horror movie posters you had in your room and he smirked at them and at the shelf of your horror movies.

Back To You

"Well..I have a few ratings on the movies I have" "really now?" "Yeah, uh...Psycho, probably a 10, same goes for Carrie and Halloween, Black Christmas is definitely a 7, Silence of the Lambs is a 7.8, and the Exorcist is a 10.." you said. It went quiet.

With Billy

He sat there surprised and actually a bit pleased by your ratings but that wasn't what he called you for.

Back To You

"If you could, what kind of ideas or advice what you add in to maybe boost up some of those ratings?" This was what he wanted. You sat down to think and Billy smirked. "Maybe to just keep it quiet..most of the time, they're loud and have plenty of stupidity in them once the time comes for the victims. Micheal is always standing there in front of the house, I mean- yeah, it's creepy and enough to scare but then they'll know that you exist and lock you out, then there goes your chance" Billy was nodding at everything as he jotted some things down.

"Why wouldn't you want the stalker to visit the victim beforehand?" "Because, then once time is up, you're done, you're locked up. Every movie starts out with a kill scene, so which means, every first try needs to be a start" Billy stopped writing as he heard that last part. That made him go into wonder and started processing throughout his brain. He was wondering what you meant by that. "A first try has to be a start? What does that mean?"

"Look around, you never know who could be watching you while you're on the phone with me right now" that actually made Billy look around for a moment. No, Y/n, you look around. You actually did look around for a moment. "So what's the idea?" "I'm sorry, what?" "What's the idea for a psycho wanting to end a life of a victim or two?" Billy had to listen very closely, so he held the phone closer to his ear. "That's a..bit of a weird question to ask" "well, you seem like a smart girl and the type that'd be a knife stabber" you just stood there with a weird face.

"There really shouldn't be an idea..it's not always about the motives, but if that's a thing in a killers mindset, then that just makes them look more crazy. It's about what's behind the eyes, ideas are for losers, just go do it freely without balance, it'll suck, trust me..now I'm gonna go" you hung up feeling awfully strange and awkward by them.

With Billy

He listened and listened as his brain took time to process everything you were saying. "Just go do it freely without balance" what? He tried to understand what you meant by that but then his eyes widened. She's telling me to go mad. That's something Carrie did...
He looked at you through the window and watched as you sat back down on your bed to watch The Exorcist. He went up to your window and watched the Exorcist with you for a moment before looking at you. "Just go do it freely without balance" those words ran throughout Billy's head, you didn't brainwash him, this was just the advice he really needed for tonight.

He smirked as a thank you and ran out of your yard. Go mad. Go mad, Billy.

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