15. Lovingly Sick

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4 PM

Your mother pulled up in front of Sidney's house and right away, it reminded you of Casey's house. You shut your eyes to try and block that out but all you could hear was Casey's screaming and saw that man dressed in the black robe and ghost mask as he chased you and Casey with that terrorizing knife. "Y/N!!" You covered your face, you just..heard her. "Y/N!!" "Y/n!" Your head shot up and you looked at your mom. "You alright?" You nodded, "yeah, thanks for the ride" you got out and was to close the door. "Hey" you stuck your head inside the car.

"Please. Be safe.." she had a bit of pleading in her voice. You smiled a little, "I will..I love you" "I love you, too" you smiled at her before shutting the car door and walked up to the door. Your mom drove away once she saw you got up to the porch safely. You stared at the door for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and knocking on the door. "HELP!!!" You turned your head from the voice you were hearing of Casey's. "Y/N, PLEASE!!!-" "hey, Y/n" Sidney opened the door. "Hey" you smiled. "Gosh, come in, it's miserable out here alone" she opened the door more to let you in.

"Are you okay? It feels like you've been wounded up all day..- I know, you just went through something extremely horrible but..it just sucks to see you upset" she said as you both walked through her hallway. "Oh, I'm alright..I'm just still trynna get past that" you replied. "Hm. I'm glad you're getting a bit well" Sid said back. "Hey, you hungry?" She asked. "Maybe just for something little if that's alright" "not at all, knock yourself out" you followed her to the kitchen and she pointed at the fridge and the snack drawers.

With Billy

Him and Stu made their way down the street to Sidney's house. "Okay, I got the idea and all, but are you sure you wanna go kill off your Bonnie?" Stu asked. "Did you not hear me the first time? I said I don't know! And stop fucking considering her as that!" "What, Bonnie?" "You're so fucking stupid, keep that in your dead mind" Stu rolled his eyes completely unbothered. "Y'know, at this point, I think you should just ask her out" Billy stopped his tracks as he shut his eyes annoyed and he slowly turned to Stu. "When is this gonna stop? Hm?!" "What, man? I just-"

"You just constantly keep going and going about how we should date and fuck as if it's going to happen, but you just don't fucking see it. Once I show myself, she won't forgive me and I won't even give a shit," he then pointed his finger at Stu. "And as for you...you're going to keep your loud ass fucking mouth shut around her. Got it?" Stu was still completely unbothered. He just nodded and put his hands up in defense and Billy continued walking with him following behind. "But you know deep down that she's hot-" "SHUT UP!" Billy grabbed his hair in annoyance.

An image of you then popped up in his head making him walk faster and he covered his face with his hands as he shook his head. "Just admit it~" Stu teased him. "Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off..!!" Billy shook his head rapidly.

Back To You, Time Skip To 8 PM

You and Sidney were napping on the couch. You were laying on one side and she was laying on the other while your legs were on top of hers. The telephone then rang alarming you both, you both sat up. "Hello?" "Practice ran late, I'm on my way, okay?" It was Tatum. "It's past 7" Sid said back as she looked at the clock. "Don't worry, Casey and Steve didn't bite it till way after 10" you furrowed your eyebrows at her. "She doesn't know you're here" Sid whispered. "Oh, that's comforting" Sidney rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna swing by the video store, I was thinking Tom Cruise in All Right The Moves. Y'know, if you pause it just right, you can see his penis" you and Sidney looked at eachother weirdly. "Whatever, just hurry, okay?" "Ta-ta, Sid" the phone then beeps and Sidney puts it back. "Is she always running around at 7?" You asked. "Mhm" Sid replied as she layed back down. As you were about to also lay back down, the telephone rang again. Sidney picked it up again annoyed, "Tatum, just get in the car-" "hello, Sidney" your eyes widened at the voice and you got up in a hurry making Sidney look at you worriedly. "Uh- hi, who is this?" She asked.

"You tell me" "well, I have no idea" she said back. Your body started shaking and that uneasy feeling flew in your heart again. "I'm gonna go get a breeze" you said to her without letting her reply to you. You went outside but didn't step any closer to the outer part of the porch.

With Billy

"Look, there she is" Stu whispered to him as he pointed. Billy was about to say something to Sidney again until he saw you. Stu watched his the phone loosened out of his hand, it looked as if he was in a love struck. Stu had to adjust the phone in his hand since it almost fell out. Stop staring at her, stop staring at her. "Tell Sid to give the phone to her" Stu whispered. Billy shook his head as he continued talking to Sidney. Sidney then came outside making Y/n back away from her since she was talking to the killer. "What's wrong?" She whispered.

Y/n just shook her head and looked elsewhere.

With Billy

"Just tell her that you wanna talk to Y/n" Stu whispered. Billy groaned as he gave up. "I wanna talk to Y/n" Sidney raised an eyebrow and walked up to you.

Back To You

"Here, he wants to talk to you" your eyes widened. "No. Hell no.." you said back. "What is wrong with you..?!" Sidney whisper yelled as she covered the phone speaker. "I'm sorry, I just don't feel comfortable..!" You replied as your hands were now shaking.

With Billy

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Stu who's eyebrows were also furrowed. "What the hell..?!" Billy whisper yelled. "Try again..!" Stu whispered back.

Back To You

"She doesn't wanna talk" Sid took the phone back as she glared at you. You just crossed your arms as you looked down scaredly. "Aw, well, I thought she looked a bit lonely and wanted someone to help out with that~" "I doubt that she's into sex" "Sid, please.." you whispered feeling really uncomfortable and scared. You looked over the balcony edge when you heard a weird noise that you were wondering how Sidney didn't hear.

You walked back inside not wanting to feel that way anymore but then Sidney also came scrambling in and she closed the door and locked it. "What?-" the closet door then barges open and that same man dressed in a black robe and ghost mask came flying out with his knife in the air. Your eyes widened and they started swinging at you two and you kept dodging and then they jumped on Sidney and when you tried pulling them off of her, they stabbed you on the side of your stomach making you scream and fall to the ground.

Your blood immediately started rushing out and you ran up the stairs leaving Sidney down there until she kicked them off of her and she also tried leaving you by opening the door but it was locked and she ran up the stairs, too. She pushed you in the room and closed the door and locked her closet against it. You just fell against her wall as your blood was rushing out and you watched as Sidney was screaming and crying while dialing the police on her computer and you watched as Billy came in through the window and his eyes shifted over to you and they widened.

He stared at you and you stood back up once you saw a cellular phone fall out of his pocket. You held your stomach as you ran out leaving Sidney in the room but Sidney followed behind you and Billy came running out the room yelling yours and Sidney's name. Sidney unlocked the front door but then Dewey was there holding the ghost mask making you both scream and he also screamed.

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