27. Attached To A Nutcase

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You were so bored of sitting and watching Halloween, you just wanted to go home. Randy was currently explaining the rules about horror movies and you only paid attention to a few of them. Never have sex, don't drink too much, and don't split up. Nice going with the sex part, Sid and Billy. You just layed your head back against the couch and Stu side eyed you nervously. "Did you find Tatum?" He asked you hoping you'd say no. "No, she probably left" you replied tiredly. Stu had a relieved look on his face, "and you didn't walk in on Sidney and Billy?" You groaned, "I stopped at every door to listen while looking for Tatum, so no, I didn't, but I did hear them" you replied.

Stu's eyes widened a little and it looked almost as if he was saying "shit." You were trying your hardest not to fall asleep since there were still people here. "Did you see where Dewey went with Gale when they left?" You asked Stu. "Nope, they probably ran away" he replied with a laugh. You just rolled your eyes at his words and closed your eyes from exhaustion. Where are you, mom? "Never under any circumstance say "you'll be back," cuz' you won't be back" Randy said. "I'm getting another beer, want one?" Stu asked him as he got up from the couch. "Yeah, sure" "I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!" Stu said as he walked backwards.

Your eyes widened and you started laughing as everyone oooo'ed him. You quickly stopped laughing when the pain in your wound kicked in. You layed your head back against the couch and sighed in pain. Maybe mom will pick me up. But...she doesn't even know where I am and I don't even know where she is. You started to get even more bored of Randy's speech and got up and went into the kitchen. Billy casually comes here, you casually hear him and Sid having sex, and you have no idea where Tatum is. I wanna go home. You startled at the sound of everyone in the living room jumping to the music on Halloween and you groan in frustration and walk out the kitchen and head outside the house for fresh air.

You didn't feel like sitting down. After all, relaxing doesn't even feel safe anymore, it just feels like once you've sat down, then you're going to get murdered for the most dumbest reason. The only thing you felt like hearing right now was a car engine. You wanted the car to pull up and the windows roll down only for it to reveal your mom and you wanted to jump inside the car and watch as she zoomed away to go home...far from all this mess. You then heard the front door opening and you saw people leaving the house, they were people from the living room. "LET'S HURRY BEFORE THEY TAKE HIS BODY DOWN!" Someone yelled. You just stood there confused before awkwardly walking back inside the house.

Jeez, it was empty. You walked back inside the living room and saw Randy laying down on the couch. "Why did everyone just leave?" You asked him. "Principal Himbry was found dead I guess" he replied. Your eyes widened and you began fiddling with your fingers. He's one step closer now. You turned back around to go back outside and you began to hear screaming coming from outside. You ran out and saw Sidney dangling out from the window. "SID!" She saw you and decided to let go and ended up falling on top of a yacht. Your eyes then widened when you saw the killer and he ran from the window and you then froze when you saw Tatum's body hanging from the garage pet door.

It looked almost as if she struggled to be free. Sidney followed your eyes and also saw Tatum and she covered her mouth in horror and grabbed your hand and dragged you away from her. You both ran over to Gale's news van and began pounding on the door. Her cameraman Kenny let you two in and you both watched on the camera and saw the killer about to attack Randy. "RANDY, BEHIND YOU!" "BEHIND YOU, KID!" "THE KILLER'S BEHIND YOU!" You guys yelled together. Kenny then open the van door and the killer sliced his neck open and you both screamed and you crawled out the van speedy fast with Sid following behind you.

You both ran across the field and started yelling for Dewey's name but he was nowhere to be found. "DEWEY!" "WHERE ARE YOU?!" You both yelled. You both then spotted his police car and you opened up the car. "THE KEYS!" "WHERE ARE THE KEYS?!" You then saw the killer and he held up the keys infront of you guys to taunt you. You raised your eyebrows and you began holding down all the locks as he tried to open them. "HELP ME, SID!" She wasn't even helping you push down the locks, instead, she was trying to get more police officers on the line. But that failed when the killer grabbed Sidney by her neck and you jabbed them across the face and you both immediately got out.

You then saw Dewey. "Sid...Y/n" he said before falling to the porch ground with a knife in his back. You both screamed and ran up to him and Sid grabbed the gun out from his pocket. "Y/N!" "SID!" You both turned around and saw Stu and Randy. Your eyes widened. "Oh, hell no" you said as you ran inside the house and began looking around and you heard Sidney slam the door shut and lock it. "You locked them out?!" "Well, yeah, one of them was lying!-" you both then heard a thud and you turned around and saw Billy. Your eyes widened when you saw him covered in blood but you furrowed your eyebrows when you smelled something funky as shit.

He saw you and you watched as he smirked a little making you feel fishy about this. "It's okay, give me the gun" he said to Sid. She handed him the gun and he unlocked the door and opened it allowing Randy to come in. "You've gotta help me! Stu's flipped out! He's gone mad!" Randy said. "We all go a little made sometimes" Billy said with a smirk before aiming the gun at him making your eyes widened. "BILLY, NO!-" he pulled the trigger and shot Randy making you scream and he went flying back against the table. You covered your mouth in horror as you slowly turned to Billy who licked the fake blood off his fingers. "Corn syrup, same stuff they used for pigs blood in Carrie," he then looked at you.

"Right, Y/n?" He taunted. Your eyes widened more and Sidney turned around to go run but ended up bumping into Stu who pulled out the voicebox. "Surprise, Sidney" you just paused and Sidney pushed past him and you were about to follow her but Billy was giving you taunting looks and it made you run to the other side but he immediately followed you and grabbed you by the back of your hair making you scream in pain. "LET ME GO!-" he smacked your ass, "calm down, baby" he whispered in your ear as he pushed you into the kitchen and pointed the gun at Sidney and Stu threw him the voice box at him. "What's the matter, Sidney, you look like you've seen a ghost" he taunted.

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