23. His Needy Mind

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You guys arrived at Stu's house. "Have fun, not too much fun or I'll bust ya" Dewey joked before you guys got out and headed inside his house. You felt a bit safer knowing that you're around people but someone in this house could be the killer. You then saw Stu who was drinking beer through a funnel and he saw you guys, so he stopped for a moment. "What'd you get?" He asked Tatum meaning the groceries and she started pulling things out. Stu then came over to you, "you alright? You look tense" he asked her. "Yeah, I'm alright" you replied before walking into the living rook.

Your eyes shifted around to make sure that Billy wasn't here and thank God he wasn't...yet. Randy saw you and he ran up to you. "Y/n, you know Jamie Lee Curtis, right?" He asked. "The girl who never lost her virginity in movies?" You asked to make sure. "YES! Atleast someone knows!" He got excited making you laugh. "So which one would be better, Prom Night or Halloween?" He asked as he held up the two cassettes. "Halloween" you replied making him even more excited. "Someone give this girl a gold medal!" He said as he ran back over to movie pile.

Tatum, Sidney, and Stu came inside the living room and sat down on the couch. Sidney looked at you a bit concerned. "You look like you don't wanna be here" she said. "I don't and I didn't stay home because I felt unsafe there" you said back. She nodded understandably, "do you think Billy will come?" She asked you. You started to get a bit of flashbacks from what he did to you at school but you shook that thought away. "I don't know" you replied with a shrug and she sighed and looked down. "I just wish he understood the whole thing I have going on before wanting sex" she said.

Oh, he definitely does. You nodded unsure of what to say.

With Billy

He was sitting in the backyard of Stu's house and he could easily see you through the window. He shifted his eyes down to your stomach where he could see the white bandages covering your stab wound through your shirt. He sighed with guilt and moved closer to the window so he could look at you more. You were just sitting there awkwardly since you weren't much of a socializing person and you fiddled with your fingers while your eyes shifted around. Billy's heart sank for you and it just felt like he wanted to take you inside of his car and makeout with you till you both stopped breathing.

He thought it was pretty weird how it went to him hating you to him wanting you so bad but he accepted it, he accepted you. He was totally with you because he also hated socializing with people and hated talking to people he barely knew unless it was someone he wanted to talk to, you. He just sat on the grass as he watched you through the window and had his chin laying down on his palm. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I'm so sorry" he whispered to himself. He knew he fucked up in the beginning when he first met you but he was so curious on why you proceeded to care about him and be nice.

He did agree with Tatum when she wanted to know how you didn't have a boyfriend. Billy knew he was missing something and it felt like he found that missing piece when you came, he was just too distracted. Please be mine, baby. Even after all of this...I want you to be mine.

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