17. Billy's Midlife Crisis

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You just sat there as Tatum begged Dewey to let you guys leave. "Hey, Dewey, can we go now?" Tatum asked. "Hold on a second" he replied. "God damnit, Dewey!" She got annoyed. "What did mom tell ya?! When I wear this badge, you treat me like a man of the law!" He said back. "I'm sorry, Deputy Dewey boy, but we're ready to now, okay?!" She said as you and Sid stood up to follow her out the back door. "Uh, take em out the back way to avoid that circus" Sheriff Burke said. Tatum and Dewey were slapping eachother on their way out. "Don't touch me!" "He's my superior!" "Your janitor's your superior!" They argued.

"There they are- Sidney! Y/n!" You both turned your heads. "Oh, hell no" you whispered to yourself. Sidney held your hand again and stood in front of you. "Girls, may I ask what happened in there?-" "they're not answering any questions, alright? Just leave us alone-" "no, it's alright, Tatum..she's just doing her job, right, Gale?" "Yes, that's right" she smirked.

"So, how's the book?" "Well, it'll be out later this year" "ah. I'll look for it" Sid said as you guys began to walk away. "I'll send you a copy" Sid turned around and punched Gale across the face making her stumble back. Your eyes widened at her action and you looked at Tatum and you both laughed and ran away with Dewey and Sid.

At Tatum's House

"God, I loved it, "I'll send you a copy," bam! Bitch went down! "I'll send you a copy," bam! Sid! Superbitch! You're so cool" Tatum ranted. "Yeah, you should punch her again, maybe a second black eye will top off her eyeshadow" you added making Tatum and Sidney laugh. Dewey then came in with an ice pack. "I thought you might need this for your right hook" he said as he threw it to her. She smiled as in "thank you" and put it on her knuckle. "Y/n, you need anything?" He asked you. You shook your head, "no, I'm alright..thank you though" he tilted his head in sorrow. "I mean, with that wound and all...does it not hurt?" He was highly concerned for you.

"It does but I just don't wanna bother..-" "yeah, she needs an ice pack" Tatum cut you off with your stubbornness. "Tate.." "no offense to Sid's knuckles, but your wound is a lot more serious and if that doesn't get ice, then you'll die and won't be able to watch this fuckface go to jail-" "Tatum" Dewey was stern. "What? It'd be fun to watch him go to prison, is that not a good thing?" She shrugged at Dewey. Billy...

Dewey rolled his eyes at her. "Dewey, did my mom call either?" You asked him. "That's the other reason why I came in here...we've tried reaching her all night, especially when you were at Sidney's house and she didn't answer, it was left at voice-mail..." he said. You furrowed your eyebrows. She always answers phone calls though. "Did you try going to her work?" He nodded, "she wasn't there, we even went to your house and she wasn't there..." you just stared at him. She doesn't go anywhere else besides home and her work. "We'll let you know when we hear from her. Alright?" You felt your throat tighten and you nodded. He walked out the room. Sidney hugged you tightly as you tried your hardest not to cry which was for some reason a success.c

"So do you really think Billy did it?" Tatum asked you both. You looked down as the image of him getting arrested past in your head. You only saw him getting arrested though..he can't just take off the costume in less than a second. What if there's two? You shook that thought away and layed next to Sid since Tatum only had 2 beds. "Sidney, phone" Tatum's mom walked in. "Is it my dad?" "I'm afraid not.." Sidney walked out and you and Tatum looked at eachother and shrugged.

"What are your thoughts on Billy?" She asked. You looked at her again. My thoughts on Billy..."I don't know. I have too many.." you replied. She stared at you for a few seconds before slowly nodding. "No!" You and Tatum jumped off the beds in full speed and ran over to Sidney. "Looks like you've fingered the wrong guy, again!" Your eyes widened and Tatum stepped closer. "Hang up" she whispered. Tatum's mom went banging on Dewey's door to wake him up. "Don't worry, you both will find out soon enough, I promise" and with that, he hung up. You just stared at the phone and Sidney placed it back down. Dewey came out, "what?! What happened?!" He had his gun.

Tatum walked you both back inside the room and closed the door.

With Billy, 11 PM

He sat in the prison cell, he had his hands covering his face as he rocked back forth against the wall. Billy was about to have a midlife crisis if images of you didn't leave his mind. He was for some reason pissed at Stu for stabbing you, he was suppose to be happy. "Get out..get out" he mumbled. That smile..her voice..just her in general. "Go away.." he mumbled again. He felt his anger get the best of him and he kicked over the metal bed making it break. He picked up a chain and threw it across the cell. He sat against the wall and yanked at his hair in anger. I don't like her, I don't like her. Get out of my head, get out of my head. GET OUT!

More of those intrusive thoughts fought their way inside his head and mashed together with his emotions. She's too nice..why am I doing this to her? Stop it, stop it, STOP IT! He pulled onto his hair harder each second and he kicked his feet out.

"Just admit it~" Stu teased

He stared at you and you stood back up once you saw a cellular phone fall out of his pocket.

She's just a stupid girl...no, she's not. Yes, she is. No, she's not! Yes, she is! NO, THE FUCK SHE ISN'T! WHY DO YOU CARE?! I DON'T! THEN AGREE WITH ME! NO! WHY NOT?! BECAUSE I JUST CANT! He shook his head rapidly. She's ruining my plan...no, she's not. She doesn't even know about it, so don't put the blame on her. I'm not blaming her...

Just admit it

Admit what..?

Admit that you love her

I don't...

"Like" isn't a word. I know you love her.

I don't...

Yes, you do.

No, I don't.

Yes, you do!

No, I don't!




Just admit it..

His head shot up as he stared off. Just admit it. Thanks to Stu, those words were now circling around in his head. He wanted to kill everyone at this point. Not everyone..why not everyone? He's excluding one person. He shook his head again. No, kill everyone. Don't kill HER, Billy. I have to. You don't want to. Just stop...you don't want to and you know it...just admit it.

He then scratched his arm making it bleed and he grunted in pain. The blood came rushing out but Billy didn't care. Just like
Y/n..just like her..bleed just like her. He then used the blood to write your name on his arm and he smirked at it and licked your bloody name off his arm. Just admit it.

He layed on the ground as he stared at the ceiling and had an image of you. "I'll admit it then. I need her...I want her. She'll be mine whether she likes it or not...she's mine. She's mine..! Y/n is mine.." he bit his lip as he rubbed his bulge at the thought of you. She's mine. There you go...no more hiding it..how bad do you want her? ...I can't explain, I just want her with me. Billy chuckled like the devil he was he and wrote your name in his blood all over the ground. He knew that you were all his now, he took away one from you, there's only a few more to go.

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