1. Coming Through Opened Trusts

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You were in your mom's car and she pulled up infront of the school. "Okay, so you have everything, right?" "Yes, you made me double check twice in the house and in the car, I've got everything" you replied with a bit of annoyance. "Alright, just making sure" "I love you" you said as you got and closed the door. She drove away and you walked up to the school. It looked peaceful. You already had everything, your schedule, and locker number, so you were ready. You walked inside the school but then you were stopped by an old man.

"Hello, dear~" he had a suit on and he had a weird smile that made you a bit uncomfortable. "Hi" you smiled back so you weren't being rude. "I'm principal Himbry but you may call me Himbry" you just stared at him with that same smile on your face like you just felt like you were in a what the fuck moment. Oh hell no, the principal?! "Yeah, I think you should probably just stick to principal Himbry" a blonde girl said as she walked up to you both and latched onto your arm.

Your eyes were trying so hard not to look down because you were extremely uncomfortable but you swore you saw a boner growing in him. "Alright, well, welcome to Woodsboro high" he smiled. You politely snatched your hand out of his and the blonde girl walked you away with her. "Sorry about him, he's a fucking pervert" "he looks like he needs to be fired" you said back. "People have tried but the school board likes him" she said back. You made a weird face. "I'm Tatum" "Y/n" you said back.

"My gosh, you could get yourself a boyfriend at any millisecond, you're really pretty" she said as she kept turning her head towards you as you both were walking down the hall. "That'd be a mess, boyfriends just want whatever they want" you said back. "Oh, honey...I know it" she agreed. As you two were walking, you spotted your locker number and headed over to it with Tatum following behind you. "I have other shitheads that you'll be able to meet now or in the middle of the day" she said. "Oh, great" you smiled. She then leaned against the locker.

"So are you sure you don't want me to find you a boyfriend-" "hey, Tatum" you both turned to the side and saw a brunette girl with bangs. "Hey, Sid, this is Y/n, she's new" "hey, Y/n, I'm Sidney but you can call me Sid" "it's nice to meet you, Sid" you shook her hand with a smile. "My Gosh, you would never believe what principal Himbry was doing to this poor girl," as Tatum talked to Sidney your eyes just shifted elsewhere and that's when you saw a boy with brunette parted hair make his way over to you guys. He looked..a bit creepy but kinda hot.

He stood beside Sidney and she realized he was there. "Oh, hey" he smiled a little and pecked her on the lips. "Billy, this is Y/n, she's new" Sidney said to him. "Hi, Billy, it's nice to meet you" you for some reason smiled even more with him than you did with Tatum and Sid. He looked at you a bit weirdly, "yeah, you too" he said with a cold stare. Something felt off. You just smiled and nodded awkwardly. Tatum looked at your schedule as you were holding it. "Oh, hell yes! You have period 3, 4, and 6 with me" "no way, I want some with her" Sidney said as she looked at the schedule.

"Only 2nd period with me it looks like" she smiled. "And..a lot of them you have with Billy and Stu" Billy stopped staring at you weirdly and turned his attention to Sidney when he heard that. "How many?" He asked not really wanting to be in any with you. She started counting on the schedule. "Only period 1, 5, 7, and 8" Billy tried not to look annoyed but it showed anyway. "There's nothing wrong with her, she's actually very nice" Sidney said. "I'm surprised she doesn't even have a boyfriend" Tatum added. "I didn't say anything about her, I was just surprised that we have that much classes together" he said back.

The bell the rang. "Y/n, I'll come pick you up from class to take you to 2nd period" Sidney said. "Okay, thanks" she nodded and gave Billy a kiss before leaving you two. Billy started walking to his class and you followed him. "Hi" you walked beside him. He ignored you. You furrowed your eyebrows. Nobody else was in the hallway and you said it loud and clear for him to hear you. Just don't even bother on saying it again. You sighed and followed him into the classroom and saw an empty seat and sat down. Billy sat next to the person to sat behind you.

You knew that Billy already didn't like you and you didn't know why but there was no point in asking why.

With Billy

Stu had the rest of the classes with you guys, not 1st period. Billy eyed you from his seat, he didn't really like you already. Not because you were a girl, he just doesn't like people in general. That included Sidney, he was after her and everyone else, he hated Sidney, he absolutely hated her. This week was gonna be a week to remember. Billy didn't really like you because he thought that maybe you'd be one of the annoying people who his girlfriend befriends. Although, he did kind of think you were a little bit pretty. A little particle in his mind for some reason agreed with Tatum when she said that was surprised you didn't even have a boyfriend.

But that's just what's inside his body. On the outside, he kept his gate closed for you, he didn't think you were welcomed. You were being written down on his list right now. Should she be?

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