Where am I

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"Come on, Marcello, I don't want to be late." "Relax Z. We will arrive just on time." I hoped on the passenger's side, anxious to go to my first ever concert. "You ready?" "Yes." Soon, we were on the road. I couldn't help the excitement rising in me. "It's going to be the best thing ever. "Thank you for doing this for me." "Anything for you." I decided to turn the radio on and listen to some R&B. When I looked back at the road, I noticed a truck going 80 miles to my right. "Hey M..." Those were all the words I could force out until the truck hit the right side of the vehicle, making us flip over.

Blood was streaming down my face, distorting my eyesight. My breathing was strained. When I turned to face Marcello, I saw that he was unconscious. "M." I attempted, but was unable, to pronounce more than the initial M. I tried to turn my head to see when I heard a car door open, but I was in too much pain. My car door opened rather quickly, and I noticed a man wearing a blue mask. The man took out a needle and stabbed me in the neck. "Hey, what are you doing?" I sounded tense. "Hush. Everything will work out. I was out soon after.

I woke up with a huge migraine. "Ugh, what happened?" Once my eyes fully opened, I looked around at my surroundings. I didn't recognize anything in this room. Was this my room? I got off the bed I was lying on to walk around the room. My back was aching. This room was painted blue with black furniture. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bathroom. I slowly made my way towards the bathroom to see if there were any headache pills. Once I was in the bathroom, I saw this huge mirror that showed nothing but bruises on me. "What happened to me, and why can't I remember? Heck, I don't even recognize myself." I had green eyes, dark brown curly hair, and light brown skin.

After leaving the bedroom and the restroom, I came into three folks watching TV while seated on a couch. "Hello." "HELLO! I'm so glad you're alright. You were on my mind all the time." The guy, who seemed random, got up from the couch and gave me an extremely strong hug. "Ow." "Oops, how are you feeling?" "Okay, I suppose. My body hurts." "Understandable." "I hate to be this way, but, um, who are you?" "You don't remember?" "Sorry." "Zoey, I'm your sister. You truly don't seem to recall me." "I'm sorry." Her face started to well up with tears. We'll just need to reintroduce ourselves; I suppose. Hello, I'm the older sister, Zoey." "Nice to meet you."

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