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I woke up on a soft piece of furniture. Once my eyes fully opened, I was in someone's living room. The walls were blue with gray furniture. The TV was on a huge stand, and there were posters everywhere. This was not my house.

"Oh good, you're awake." I turned my head to find Bailey bringing some type of refreshment in a glass cup. "What happened?" I asked, trying to sit myself on the couch. "I saw you pass out near the highway, so I kidnapped you." I let out a little chuckle. "I brought you some tea." "Thanks." I took the cup and took a huge sip of the delicious drink.

"I heard about Evan. How are you holding up?" Bailey asked as she sat beside me on the couch. "I never saw it coming." "You never really do. Suicide is one of those diseases you can't get away from. You don't know how much you are wrapped into it until it consumes you, and the people you left are in pain because they didn't see what was coming." "You sound like you know from experience." "My brother was in so much pain, and I couldn't see it. I couldn't see how much pain he was truly in. He took his life the week before Thanksgiving, three years ago. I fell into a dark place after that. The people at school thought it was a giant joke and laughed while I was suffering. Believe it or not, you have been my first friend since he died. That is, if you consider me a friend." I leaned in and hugged Bailey so tight. "Of course, I consider you a friend. After all, only friends kidnap each other to make sure they are okay." Bailey let out a small chuckle.

Before another topic could be brought up, my phone buzzed in my pockets, signaling that someone had messaged me. "Hey, I don't know where you are, but come home soon. Evan's parents have decided to have the funeral tomorrow at six. Please come home."

"Everything okay?" Bailey asked. "Evan's funeral is tomorrow at six." "Didn't he just die? How is it so quick?" "Before Evan died, he told me there was something I should know; there were secrets that had been kept from me." "What does that mean?" Bailey asked with a confused face. "I don't know. Evan told me there are secrets. My dad popped out of nowhere while we were on a date, and now Evan is dead." "You think something happened?" "No funeral takes a day to plan, not unless it was already planned. Something isn't right. The more I think about it, the more I get confused."

"Bailey, I have been having foggy nightmares about the wreak that caused me to lose my memories. I had flashbacks that don't make up for time as of right now. I have people telling me about my past life, and the more words that come out of their mouths, the more I feel confused. Evan was the only one I went to with all of this. He told me to watch out." "Now he's dead." "Stella, seek help." "You think I'm crazy." "No, I think you are telling the truth. They are definitely hiding something. You need to find out what exactly it is." "How?" "Is there something they are keeping you from, like the attic or basement?" "When I went into the basement one day, I saw a box labeled Zaria, and I reached for it. Zoey pulled me back. " "You need to look inside that box." "Agreed, but as of right now, I need to head home before they get upset with me." "Want me to drive you home?" "Please." "Come on."

When Bailey drove me to my house, I unlocked the door, but before I could get out of the vehicle, she pulled my arm and hugged me tightly. "What is this for?" I questioned. "Good luck, hug." "Thanks." "Stella, your memories are foggy because you refuse to see the truth. Next time you have a nightmare, don't wake up. Finish it, because that dream gives you insight into something you need to know. Trust me, I had plenty of nightmares that were reality. "I will. Thank you." "No problem. Before you go, can I get your number? Just in case I need to save you from your family." "Of course." After exchanging numbers, I left and went inside the house.

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